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jeaye edited this page Oct 13, 2013 · 8 revisions

Q^3 Console

The console in Q^3 allows developers and players to tweak in-game variables, as well as issue game-oriented commands. Some examples of console commands might be:

set map.wireframe on  
callvote kick jeaye


Every valid action in the console conceptually executes a function. In the previous example, set and callvote are functions, and any other supplied values are arguments (parameters) to the functions.

Function Description Parameters Example
load_map Loads the specified map (string) map name load_map q3ctf1
quit Quits the game None N/A


The function nomenclature is ubiquitous, but there's an exception to it when using set or get; the first argument provided to these functions is called a property and properties play a big role in the power of the console.

The syntax for get and set is as follows:

get property
set property value

Properties are generally dot-notated in an object-oriented manner, simply as a sort of organization. The goal of this is to make it possible to figure out property names without looking at any documentation (but... you should always read the docs -- they're all so well written!).

List of properties

Property Description Permissions Possible Values Default
ui.show_fps Whether or not to show the FPS counter read/write true, false true
camera.fov The field of view at which to render read/write (min: 50, max: 150) 100
camera.vsync Vertical sync with monitor (prevents tearing) read/write true, false true
map.wireframe Whether or not to render the map in wireframe mode read/write true, false false
q3.version The current game version read major.minor.commit_hash N/A
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