I am a software engineer with expertise in Java and PHP, working in programming for years. I'm constantly seeking knowledge, and my main strength is my continuous learning attitude.
Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
Clean Code principles
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
PHP Standards Recommendations (PSR)
Agile methodologies
Database modeling
Reverse Proxy
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Pipelines Git (GitFlow)
Design patterns
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Payment systems
Financial systems
Specifically in Laravel:
- Filament
- GraphQL
- Redis
- Creation of packages (public and private)
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication
Hyperf S2
🌍 I'm based in São Paulo, Brasil
✉️ You can contact me at jefferson.dev@icloud.com