This script will generate FC configurations or reference configurations for Brocade and Cisco Switches.
This script will take a Excel file that lists the specified Hosts, Array, Zoneset (zone Config) and VSAN and will create files for the configuration or as a reference configuration for A and B sides of the fabric. This script is opinionated in laying out the names of the aliases and zones, but the functions can be changed to suit your naming standards.
There are some assumptions and requirements with this script.
- ImportExcel Module is installed.
- Fabrics are fully redundant and isolated
- All hosts and arrays are dual attached
- Zone names contain the host, the side, and the array port
- All hosts connect to all array ports on their respective sides
- Using Brocade or Cisco Switches
There are features that are still not in the script yet.
- Cisco reference configs
- Multi target
.PARAMETER ImportFile The Excel file to be imported
.PARAMETER SwitchType The Type of Switch for the configs, Brocade and Cisco are supported
.PARAMETER TargetType Single or Multi Target. Today only single is supported
.PARAMETER OutputType Output config files that could be applied to a new switch, or output a reference config to validate proper FC zoning
.EXAMPLE .\Generate-FCConfigs.ps1 -ImportFile .\FCHosts.xlsx -SwitchType Cisco -TargetType Single -OutputType Config
This will generate Cisco, Single Initiator - Single Target, config files
.EXAMPLE .\Generate-FCConfigs.ps1 -ImportFile .\FCHosts.xlsx -SwitchType Brocade -TargetType Single -OutputType Reference
This will generate Brocade, Single Initiator - Single Target, reference files