This gem adds a Underscore Templating Engine to Sprockets for use in the asset pipeline in Rails >= 3.1 applications.
Add underscore-template-rails
to your Gemfile and run bundle
Underscore templates will be recognized by Sprockets with the .utmp
extension. Place them anywhere in the Sprockets load path.
<!-- app/assets/javascripts/templates/author.tmpl -->
<div class="author"><%= name %></div>
In your application's JavaScript manifest file, require Underscore plugin followed by your templates. The templates are compiled and named with their Sprockets logical path, with the prefix "templates/" removed if it is present:
//= require underscore
//= require_tree ./templates
var author = {name: 'Roger'}; // the data to render the template against
var html = templates['author'](author); // grab the tempalte and pass it the data
$('body').html(html)); // place the html into the dom
You can change the variable that hold the templates but setting the
following configuration in config/application.rb
config.underscore_templates.variable = "argon" # default is 'templates'
That would change the previous example to this:
var html = argon['author'](author);
Happy templating!
- Precompile the templates using something like ejs
This Sprockets engine was originally derived from the jquery-tmpl-rails gem.