Convert the raw data and store the result in
:convert xml to csv use bs4 BeautifulSoup (parser.py)
python3.6 convert_raw_data.py
- Train three models
model architectures (model_edu.py, model_trans.py, model_rlat.py) are placed in model_dir/ and the model checkpoint will be placed in saved_model/
python3.6 main.py --make_dataset --train_edu --train_trans --train_rlat
- Then you can test your model performance as follow:
python3.6 test.py
--gold_edu : using golden edu --test_micro : performances reported in micro F1 score --test_macro : performances reported in micro F1 score --convert_multi : covert binary tree to mutliway tree
- To predict, run
python3.6 demo.py --input_file $1 --output_file $2
where $1 specifies input text $2 specifies output json file
input_file Chinese raw text (utf-8) (simplified)
├── n0
│ ├── s0 据统计,这些城市去年完成国内生产总值一百九十多亿元,
│ └── s1 比开放前的一九九一年增长九成多。
└── n5
├── n1
│ ├── s2 国务院于一九九二年先后批准了黑河、凭祥、珲春、伊宁、瑞丽等十四个边境城市为对外开放城市,
│ └── s3 同时还批准这些城市设立十四个边境经济合作区。
└── n4
├── n2
│ ├── s4 三年多来,这些城市社会经济发展迅速,
│ └── s5 地方经济实力明显增强;
└── n3
├── s6 经济年平均增长百分之十七,
└── s7 高于全国年平均增长速度。
and also output a json format output_file
'EDUs':[(edu1), (edu2)...(edun)]
'tree':{'args':[(subtree)], 'sense':(sense), 'center':(center)}