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Under $10

A full stack app that allows users to add meals they ate around General Assembly for less than $10.

Link to our deployed app

Technologies Used

  • EJS
  • ExpressJS
  • NodeJS
  • Materialize
  • CSS
  • Pexels and Unsplash for the Stock Photos
  • To run our dependences please enter into Terminal npm install --save


  • Chiemeka Ihebom
  • Cresta White
  • Jennifer Kaplan


We decided to split up the tasks according to our strengths and help each other out as needed.

  • Chiemeka was incharge of the databases and meals.
  • Cresta was incharge of the styling and EJS files.
  • Jennifer was incharge of the auth and helped with the databases.

We met up on Sunday at a meet-up to do some work. We were in constant communication this weekend about where we were at.

We used ZenHub to track our processes and we did a stand-up on Slack everyday.


This is the screenshot of our homepage. home page

This is our register page register page

This is our login page. login page

This is our meal page. meal page


This is our wireframe. wireframe


Create a full stack app that allows General Assembly students to create an account, view meals around campus for less than $10, add meals, edit meals, and delete meals.


  • Get it so only people who add that meal can delete it.
  • Add an edit meal function.


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