- Did you fall asleep when you read the words 'corporate travel policy builder'? Well, this builder is no snoozefest! In fact, you'll be up and running with a corporate travel policy in no time - and may have even enjoyed the process. The FerskTech Corporate Travel Policy Builder is a simple to use application that allows anyone from any company (regardless of size) to create a corporate travel policy. The application guides the user along using a questionnaire to help narrow down the type of travel policy that will best fit the culture of a company. Users can choose from policy jargon ranging from strict to easy-going. Finally, users can easily download a copy of the policy and then distribute it to other employees at their company.
In order to get the application up and running, do the following:
Download code locally from GitHub (fork & clone).
Open a terminal from the project location and type npm install. This will install all of the necessary dependencies that the app needs to function properly.
Create the database and corresponding table:
- We used PostgreSQL as the query language and Postico as the relational database tool. Go to the /database_data/database.sql file and follow the instructions. This will create the fersk_tech database and all necessary tables.
- Launch the application locally.
- Go back to your terminal and type npm start server. This will start a local server on port 5000.
- Open another terminal session (still at your project location) and type npm start client. This will start the FerskTech Corporate Travel Policy Builder application on port 3000.
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Redux-saga
- Material UI
- Axios
- Node.js
- Express
- Postgresql
- Passport
- Tippy.js