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Isao Yagi edited this page May 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

IDBWrapper allows to run a single method when dealing with multiple objects. All methods in this section return the IDBTransaction they open.


getBatch(/*Array*/keyArray, /*Function?*/onSuccess, /*Function?*/onError, /*String?*/arrayType)

This method takes an array of keys and fetches matching objects.

keyArray must be an array of keys identifying the objects to fetch.

arrayType defines the type of array to pass to the success handler. May be one of 'sparse', 'dense' or 'skip'. Defaults to 'sparse'. This parameter specifies how to handle the situation if a get operation did not throw an error, but there was no matching object in the database. In most cases, 'sparse' provides the most desired behavior. See the examples for details:

// given that there are two objects in the database with the keypath
// values 1 and 2, and the call looks like this:
myStore.getBatch([1, 5, 2], function (data) {  }, onError, arrayType);

// this is what the `data` array will be like:

// arrayType == 'sparse':
// data is a sparse array containing two entries and having a length of 3:
       [Object, 2: Object]
         0: Object
         2: Object
         length: 3
         __proto__: Array[0]
// calling forEach on data will result in the callback being called two
// times, with the index parameter matching the index of the key in the
// keyArray.

// arrayType == 'dense':
// data is a dense array containing three entries and having a length of 3,
// where data[1] is of type undefined:
       [Object, undefined, Object]
         0: Object
         1: undefined
         2: Object
         length: 3
         __proto__: Array[0]
// calling forEach on data will result in the callback being called three
// times, with the index parameter matching the index of the key in the
// keyArray, but the second call will have undefined as first argument.

// arrayType == 'skip':
// data is a dense array containing two entries and having a length of 2:
       [Object, Object]
         0: Object
         1: Object
         length: 2
         __proto__: Array[0]
// calling forEach on data will result in the callback being called two
// times, with the index parameter not matching the index of the key in the
// keyArray.


putBatch(/*Array*/dataArray, /*Function?*/onSuccess, /*Function?*/onError)

putBatch takes an array of objects and stores them in a single transaction.

Out-of-line Keys

The putBatch method does not support out-of-line keys. If you need to store multiple out-of-line objects, use the batch method.


removeBatch(/*Array*/keyArray, /*Function?*/onSuccess, /*Function?*/onError)

removeBatch takes an array of keys and removes matching objects in a single transaction.


batch(/*Array*/operations, /*Function?*/onSuccess, /*Function?*/onError)

This method allows you to combine put and remove actions in a single call. batch expects an array of operations that you want to apply in a single IndexedDB transaction. operations is an Array of objects, each containing two properties, defining the type of operation. There are two operations supported, put and remove. A put entry looks like this:

{ type: "put", value: dataObj } // dataObj being the object to store

A remove entry looks like this;

{ type: "remove", key: someKey } // someKey being the keyPath value of the item to remove

You can mix both types in the operations Array:

  { type: "put", value: dataObj },
  { type: "remove", key: someKey }
], onSuccess, onError)

onSuccess will be called if all operations were successful and will receive no arguments. onError will be called if an error happens for one of the operations and will receive three arguments: the Error instance, the type of operation that caused the error and either the key or the value property (depending on the type).

If an error occurs, no changes will be made to the store, even if some of the given operations would have succeeded.

Out-of-line Keys

If you use out-of-line keys, you must also provide a key to put operations:

{ type: "put", value: dataObj, key: 12345 } // also add a `key` property containing the object's identifier
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