The traefik puppet module downloads, extracts and deploys the traefik-server binary and sets up the directory structure for configuration files.
This module is currently tested on:
- CentOS 7
- Downloads and unpackages a specific release of traefik from
- Extracts download to
- Creates configuration directory /etc/traefik (the actual configuration file is managed out of band)
- Creates startup scripts for traefik
class {'::traefik':}
This results in /opt/traefik/traefik pointing to the current release which is 1.1.2 and the creation of /etc/traefik, the traefik service points to /etc/traefik/traefik.toml by default.
class {'::traefik':
config_file_path => '/tmp/somefile.toml',
Installs traefik but sets a custom path for the configuration file
class {'::traefik':
config_path => '/usr/local/config/traefik'
This will install traefik, create the directory /usr/local/config/traefik and point the startup script to look for a configuration file called /usr/local/config/traefik/traefik.toml