python package of date functions/utilities centered around workday calculations.
All of the "workingday" functions first pass through the "dateCleanup" utility before executing. The dateCleanup converts a string to datetime (y, m, d, h, M, s). It can convert alpha numeric, German date formats, timestamps with separators (":"" or "-"), timestamps without spaces between date and time ('YYYY-MM-DDhh:mm:ss' to 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' or 'YYYY:MM:DDhh:mm:ss' to 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'), or datetime with no separators.
The "datevalue" is expected to be Type string unless epoch=True, Then datevalue expected to be Type Int.
Returns a string ("%Y%m%d") of the workingday based off the offset. Optional Holidays can be passed.
Returns a string ("%Y%m%d") of the workingstart based off the offset. Optional Holidays can be passed.
Returns the days (Int) between two working dates. Optional Holidays can be passed.
Returns a string ("%Y%m%d") of the last workingday of the month. Optional Holidays can be passed.
Returns a string ("%Y%m%d") of the lastWorkdayofQtr. Optional Holidays can be passed. Default qtrs are based off "Calendar Years", but Optional kwarg can change the Qtr "Months" (Can be a list or dict).
quarters = {"Q1": ["Nov", "Dec", "Jan"],
"Q2": ["Feb", "Mar", "Apr"],
"Q3": ["May", "Jun", "Jul"],
"Q4": ["Aug", "Sep", "Oct"]}
lastWorkdayOfQtr('20200213', key=quarters)
Returns a string ("%Y%m%d") of the lastDayOfMonth.