This is a generalization of an idea by Mickey Petersen of masteringemacs fame:
Use one keystroke to jump from a code buffer to the corresponding repl buffer and back again.
This works even if you do other stuff in between, as the last buffer used to jump to a repl is stored in a buffer local variable in the repl buffer.
Currently this assumes that the stored command to start the repl will switch to an already open repl buffer if it exists.
There are no repl/mode combinations preconfigured, put something like the following in your emacs setup for php and elisp repl:
(setq rtog/fullscreen t)
(require 'repl-toggle)
(setq rtog/mode-repl-alist '((php-mode . php-boris) (emacs-lisp-mode . ielm)))
This defines a global minor mode, indicated at with ‘rt’ in the modeline, that grabs “C-c C-z” as repl toggling keybinding. I don’t know with which repl modes this actualy works. If you use this mode, please tell me your rtog/mode-repl-alist, so that I can update the documentation.
(php-mode . php-boris)
(emacs-lisp-mode . ielm)
(elixir-mode . elixir-mode-iex)
(ruby-mode . inf-ruby)
If you supply the universal prefix argument to the switching function, you can
- C-u pass the current line
- C-u C-u pass the current defun
- C-u C-u C-u pass the the whole current buffer
to the repl buffer you switch to.
If you set rtog/fullscreen
to true, prior to loading this module,
the repl-commands will be executed fullscreen, i.e. as single frame,
restoring the window-layout on stwitching back to the originating
(setq rtog/fullscreen t)