DBUGME is a public platform curated for up and coming developers. It allows users to learn and/or mentor in various languages and skill sets. DBUGME also allows the user to connect with a mentor to help work through problems. Use DBUGME to share you knowledge and collaborate with other developers while learning new tips and tricks.
No installation necessary. Head on over to https://dbugme.herokuapp.com and register for an account.
This application is aimed towards soon-to-be graduates of an arduous coding bootcamp, we can see the benefit of having a place to go to find a mentor, share resources, and become better coders!
•Danielle Varela
•Jinhi Ahn
•Chelsea Haviland
•Jesse O'Donoghue
•Alex Varela
•Victoria Greenfield
•React Spring
Questions, concerns, want to say hey? We'd love to hear from you!
GitHub: CptSpooky
Email: legacyofthedonut@gmail.com
GitHub: jesseodonoghue
Email: jesseodonoghue@gmail.com
GitHub: JinhiA
Email: ahn.jinhi@gmail.com
GitHub: Fatmoogle
Email: alexvar93@gmail.com
GitHub: ChelSEA-88
Email: chelseahaviland13@gmail.com
GitHub: victoriagfield
Email: victoriagfield@gmail.com
Contact us! Email or message us on LinkedIn!