Creating and using this repositiory is by no means necessary. I just almost lost all my files :/ and I figured some students may want to back up their files also.
- Make sure you repo is PRIVATE online!
- Github will require you to have an ssh key or a personal access token. Tokens in my opinion are easier to setup and use.
To create a local copy of this repo, use git clone where ever you would like the main folder to be created.
git clone
You then should have all the files that are a part of this repo. To add your assignments, drag them into you file explorer, finder, or whatever your operating system uses. Then use
git add .
// Adds all files in your current directory to the git repository
//says that you actually want to add them to the online repo.
git push
// adds them to the online repo
Also helpful:
git status
// will show you what is being modified to the repo at any given time
There are currently 5 folders in this repo:
- autograder
- homework
- labs
- weekly response
- examples (can have whatever you want. Mine has a hello world script from online that I wanted to run in RARS)
and 2 files:
- A .gitignore lets git know which files should NOT go into the repo. The gitignore currently has the default C .gitignore and two other modifications.
- A resource made by me consisting of references we were given by instructors