This module is a Yeoman generator for creating REST webservices based on the Kitura web framework with the Swift language.
This generator and the Yeoman library runs on Node.js and generates a Swift 3 application.
To use this module, you will need Node.js and Swift 3 installed on your Linux or macOS system. You can get Node.js from and Swift 3 from
You will also need the Yeoman command line utility yo installed in your global Node.js module directory.
To install yo, use: npm install -g yo
To install this generator, use: npm install -g git+
To create a Swift Server Generator project with no models defined, use: yo swiftserver
To add a data model to your project, cd
to the new project directory and use: yo swiftserver:model
To run the generated server, use: <project-dir>/.build/debug/<app-name>