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Laravel Logo

The Loan & Property Management Software


⚠️ ICLoan is in Alpha (Under heavy development):

It is already quite usable, but it isn't ready for production yet. We recommend you use the demo to take a look feedback are aprecciated but maybe wont be inmmiadiatelly addressed at this stage since I have the idea in exploration phase.

About ICLoan

ICLoan is a Loan & Property Management Software that can handle properties with multiple units, owner distribution, rental contracts and rental expenses along with loan with rates.



  • 💵 Loans
  • 🏡 Property Management
  • 👨‍👩‍👧 Integrated Loan + Property Management dashboard**


ICLoan is an exploration in the property management area and it is a good alternative for property managers with an small portfolio. Compared to more mature software ICLoan doesn't handle

  • Accounting (event though we make the transactions under the hood that section is not public),
  • Maintenance
  • Tasks
  • Public Listing

Technical Stuff

ICLoan is a Monolith app using laravel 9, jetstream, inertia, vue3, Tailwindcss and some hand crafted packages Atmosphere UI, Journal, and others.

Prerequisite Version
Node.js ~ ^16.18.0
npm (comes with Node) ~ ^8.19.2
[PHP] ~ ^8.1.2
Composer ' ^2.3.8
MariaDB*** 10.8.4
Cloud Platform Project (with Gmail API)** --
PHP extension ext-mailparse** --

** Those requirements are optional for Gmail integration/automation *** MariaDB could be replaced with MySql8

node -v
php -v


To install Loger, you'll need to clone or download this repo:

git clone project_name

Next, we can install Atmosphere with these 4 simple steps:

1. Create a New Database

During the installation we need to use a MySQL database. You will need to create a new database and save the credentials for the next step.

2. Copy the .env.example file

We need to specify our Environment variables for our application. You will see a file named .env.example, you will need to duplicate that file and rename it to .env.

Then, open up the .env file and update your DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD in the appropriate fields. You will also want to update the APP_URL to the URL of your application.



3. Add Composer Dependencies

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

4. Run Migrations and Seeds

php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan app:demo-fresh-start

backend development

php artisan serve

Frontend development The backend have to be running

# install npm packages
npm install
# development
npm run dev

🎉 And that's it! You will now be able to visit your URL and see your Atmosphere application up and running.


BSD-3 license.


Jesus Guerrero