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A simple and read-to-use Digital Elevation Model for everyone based on Open Data with minimalist credits

Digital Elevation Model sources

Source Resolution License URL Credits
SRTM1 1 arc second Public Domain NASA
SRTM15+ 15 arc second Public Domain Tozer, B. , D. T. Sandwell, W. H. F. Smith, C. Olson, J. R. Beale, and P. Wessel
AW3D30 1 arc second See terms � JAXA
var database = WellKnownDatabases.GetSRTM1();

// Singe point
var elevation = await database.GetElevationAsync(new Coordinates(51.509865, -0.118092), DefaultInterpolation.Instance);

// Area
var area = await demDatabase.CreateView<float>(new Coordinates(51, -1), new Coordinates(52, 0));

Elevation contours

var contour = new ContourGraph();
contour.Add(area, new ContourLevelGenerator(10, 10)); // 10 meters elevation interval from 10


var img = new HillshaderFast(new Vector2D(10, 10)) // Assume each pixel of area is 10x10 meters

File formats

Supported data formats

Format Read Write Remarks
ESRI ASCII Yes Yes float only
DDC Yes Yes Format specific to Pmad.Cartography
GeoTIFF Yes No WSG84 projection Only
SRTM Yes No 3 and 1 arc second

Supported compression formats

Most DEM files requires a lot of disk space. To reduce the size of the files, the following compression formats are supported:

Format Read Write Remarks
ZSTD Yes Yes Best compromise storage/CPU cost
GZIP Yes Yes Lowest CPU cost
Brotli Yes Yes Best compression
Zip Yes No Zip must contains only one file


A simple topographic map rendering toolkit.

Drawing API is still in development, it may change in the future.