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Advanced oelint


Based on the OpenEmbedded Styleguide and work done by oe-stylize-tool this module offers a (nearly) complete linter for bitbake-recipes.

The tool does handle includes/requires automatically so you don't have to pass them via CLI.

NOTE: .bbappend-files have to be passed via CLI - these are NOT gathered automatically


With pip

pip3 install oelint_adv

From Arch Linux:

yay -S oelint-adv


usage: [-h] [--suppress SUPPRESS] [--output OUTPUT] [--fix]
                   [--nobackup] [--addrules ADDRULES [ADDRULES ...]]
                   files [files ...]

Advanced OELint - Check bitbake recipes against OECore styleguide

positional arguments:
  files                 File to parse

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --suppress SUPPRESS   Rules to suppress
  --output OUTPUT       Where to flush the findings (default: stderr)
  --fix                 Automatically try to fix the issues
  --nobackup            Don't create backup file when auto fixing
  --addrules ADDRULES [ADDRULES ...]
                        Additional non-default rulessets to add


Will be [file]:[line]:[severity]:[message].


/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/'mkdir' shall not be used in do_install. Use 'install'
/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/ 'SECTION' should be set
/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/'SUMMARY' should not be longer than 80 characters
/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/'HOMEPAGE' should start with 'http://' or 'https://'
/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/ shall not end with a space
/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/ 'AUTHOR' should be set
/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/'cp' shall not be used in do_install. Use 'install'
/disk/meta-some/cppcheck-native/'DEPENDS' should be placed before 'inherit'

Apply automatic fixing

Some of the rules are capable of fixing the issues found automatically. This will be done if you pass --fix as a startup parameter.

As long as you don't pass --nobackup a backup copy (filename + .bak) will be created for all files fixed.

Available rules

Rules marked with [F] are able to perform automatic fixing

  • oelint.comments.notrailing - No trailing comments allowed, comments should be on a single line
  • oelint.file.patchsignedoff - Patches should contain a Signed-Of-By entry
  • oelint.file.upstreamstatus - Patches should contain a Upstream-Status entry
  • oelint.spaces.emptyline - Empty line should not contain spaces or tabs [F]
  • oelint.spaces.linebeginning - No space at a line beginning [F]
  • oelint.spaces.linecont - Safe line continuation [F]
  • oelint.spaces.lineend - No spaces at line end [F]
  • oelint.tabs.notabs - No tabs allowed [F]
  • oelint.task.addnotaskbody - Task added by addtask cannot be found
  • oelint.task.customorder - order of custom tasks added via addtask
  • oelint.task.docstrings - Custom tasks should have docstrings
  • oelint.task.multiappends - Multiple appends to the same function in the same file won't work in bitbake
  • oelint.task.nocopy - No cp usage in do_install
  • oelint.task.nomkdir - No mkdir usage in do_install
  • oelint.task.order - Order of tasks
  • oelint.var.bbclassextend - Use BBCLASSEXTEND when possible
  • oelint.var.licenseremotefile - License shall be a file in remote source not a local file
  • oelint.var.mandatoryvar - Check for mandatory variables
  • oelint.var.multiinclude - Warn on including the same file more than once
  • oelint.var.multiinherit - Warn on inherit the same file more than once
  • oelint.var.nativefilename - Native only recipes should be named -native
  • oelint.var.order - Variable order
  • oelint.var.override - Check if include/append is overriding a variable
  • oelint.var.suggestedvar - Notice on suggested variables
  • oelint.vars.autorev - The usage of 'AUTOREV' for SRCREV leads to not reproducible builds
  • oelint.vars.bugtrackerisurl - BUGTRACKER should be an URL
  • oelint.vars.dependsappend - DEPENDS should only be appended, not overwritten
  • oelint.vars.duplicate - No duplicates in DEPENDS and RDEPENDS
  • oelint.vars.homepageprefix - HOMEPAGE should begin with https:// or http://
  • oelint.vars.multilineident - On a multiline assignment, line indent is desirable
  • oelint.vars.sectionlowercase - SECTION should be lowercase only [F]
  • oelint.vars.spacesassignment - ' = ' should be correct variable assignment
  • oelint.vars.srcurioptions - Fetcher should only valid options
  • oelint.vars.summary80chars - SUMMARY should max. be 80 characters long
  • oelint.vars.summarylinebreaks - No line breaks in SUMMARY
  • oelint.vars.valuequoted - Variable values should be properly quoted
  • oelint.vars.dependsordered - [R]DEPENDS entries should be ordered alphabetically

Non-default rulesets

To enable rulesets that are not part of the standard ruleset pass --addrules <ruleset-name> to CLI.

These rules are sometimes contrary to OE-style-guide, so use them with caution

jetm ruleset

To enable pass --addrules jetm to CLI

Rules marked with [F] are able to perform automatic fixing

  • oelint.jetm.vars.dependssingleline - Each [R]DEPENDS entry should be put into a single line




  • Python 61.9%
  • Shell 38.1%