An extension to show Lottie animation into your application.
A Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that enables designers to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets. They are small files that work on any device and can scale up or down without pixelation.
You can setup lottie animation from designer section.
Also you set lottie animation from block section.
You need to initialize a view as lottie animation view to show lottie animation on that view.
You've to set lottie animation json file from asset or you've to set any lottie json file link to play that lottie animation.
Call this function to start the animation.
Call this function to pause any running animation.
Call this method to re-start any ended animation.
Call this function to cancel any running animation.
This event will be triggerrg when the animation started.
com.jewel.lottie.aix (411 KB)
Version: 4.10.0
Price: $5 (Transaction charges may apply)
Last amendment: 12 July 2022
Supported builder: Kodular, Niotron, App Inventor and it's other distributions.