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Scraper Service

The Scraper Service is a web service that grabs the HTTP GET code of a given URL and exposes a Prometheus metric.


The project contains a Makefile that will automate the development and deployment of the Scraper Service to a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube

Making Python virtualenv and installing packages

make .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Running tests

make test
make integration-test

Running the application with Docker

make run

Testing the Endpoints with curl

  1. Returns the status code of a given url
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --request POST \
        --data '{"url": ""}' \
  1. Get the Prometheus metrics
curl localhost:9095/metrics

Generating metrics

A python script is created to regularly request to the Scraper Service. This will populate the http_get metric with data. The script is in the request_generator folder. To run the script:

make generate-metrics


There is a docker-compose file that can be used to automatically run the Scraper Service together with Prometheus Server and the metrics generator script.

docker-compose up -d

Scraper Service PromQL Queries

The Prometheus server would be available at http://localhost:9090. The following PromQL query can be used to get the HTTP GET status code of a given url:

  • http_get_total - get all http_get metric. There should be five urls with http_get counter metrics generated from the metrics generator.
  • http_get_total{url=""} - Get the http_get counter metrics of facebook url.
  • http_get_total{url=""} - Get the http_get counter metrics of phaidra url.
  • http_get_total{url=""} - Get the http_get counter metrics of google url.
  • http_get_total{url=""} - Get the http_get counter metrics of github url.
  • http_get_total{url=""} - Get the http_get counter metrics of tradingview url.
  • http_get_total{url="", code="200"} - Get the counter metrics of facebook url with status code of 200

When you are done, run:

docker-compose down

Local Kubernetes Cluster

Deploying a local Kubernetes cluster can be done in a single Makefile target:

make local-cluster

It starts a local K8s cluster. It also downloads the tools: kubectl and minikube into kubernetes/bin directory. In order to use these tools in your current shell, run the command:

source <(make k8s-environment)

Now you have the tools on your $PATH. To verify, get the available node of the cluster:

kubectl get nodes

You should see the minikube-helloworld node in the cluster:

NAME                  STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
minikube-helloworld   Ready    control-plane,master   5m24s   v1.23.3

Deploying the Scraper Service Kubernetes Resources

The Scraper Service K8s resources is in the kubernetes directory. To deploy these resources run:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes

To verify:

kubectl get all

Since an Ingress resource for Scraper Service is deployed, this needs to be enabled in minikube. Ingress is an addon to minikube. To enable this addon:

minikube addons enable ingress

Then run the following command so that the ingress resources would be available at "" (Note: a sudo password is required):

minikube tunnel

You can now access the Scraper Service at localhost on port 80. Test the Scraper Service:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --request POST \
        --data '{"url": ""}' \

Viewing the metrics:

curl localhost/metrics

Deleting the Local Kubernetes Cluster

When you are done, run the following command to delete the local cluster and the downloaded files:

make delete-cluster


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