A full MERN-stack (Mongo, Express, React, Node) application for searching for books on Google Books and saving them in a database for easy retrieval.
Users can search for books via the Google Books API and render them here. User has the option to "View" a book, bringing them to the book on Google Books, or "Save" a book, saving it to the Mongo database. Renders all books saved to the Mongo database to the page. User has an option to "View" the book, bringing them to the book on Google Books, or "Delete" a book, removing it from the Mongo database.
AS A reader
I WANT to be able to search for books by title
SO THAT I can save them to a database for viewing later
GIVEN an application that accepts user input
WHEN I enter the title of a book
THEN the site searches the Google Books API for relevant matches
WHEN I am returned a list of results
THEN I am able to save individual results to a database for later retrieval or to view that book on Google Books
WHEN I view the saved books page
THEN I am able to view the book in Google Books
WHEN I select the delete button on a book
THEN the book is removed from the database and the page
To clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:jfisher396/google-books-search.git
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- Fork the repo
- Create a feature branch (git checkout -b NAME-HERE)
- Commit your new feature (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
- Push your branch (git push)
- Create a new Pull Request
Following a code review, your feature will be merged.
- GitHub Username: jfisher396
- GitHub Email: james@james-fisher-web-developer.com