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The integration will reach End of Support on October 31, 2023. After that date, this repository will no longer be supported by JFrog and receive no updates.

Artifactory and Xray Logging Analytics with FluentD, ElasticSearch and Kibana

The following describes how to configure Elastic and Kibana to gather metrics from Artifactory and Xray through the use of FluentD.

  1. Elastic Setup
  2. Environment Configuration
  3. Fluentd Installation
  4. Fluentd Configuration for Elastic
  5. Dashboards
  6. Splunk Demo
  7. References

Elastic Setup

Install the JFrog Platform Dashboards

Installing all kibana assests directly instead of integration. To access already existing visualizations and filters, import kibana_dashboard_v1.ndjson to Saved objects in Management section

Note! Only elastic verion 7.14 and above is supported

Environment Configuration

We rely heavily on environment variables so that the correct log files are streamed to your observability dashboards. Ensure that you set the JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL environment variable to the correct path for your product

The environment variable JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL must be defined to the correct location.

Helm based installs will already have this defined based upon the underlying docker images.

For non-k8s based installations below is a reference to the Docker image locations per product. Note these locations may be different based upon the installation location chosen.

export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/xray/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/nginx/
Mission Control:
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/mc/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/distribution/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/opt/jfrog/pipelines/var/
export JF_JPD_URL=http://localhost:8082
export JF_JPD_USER_NAME=admin
export ELASTIC_HOST=elasticsearch-es-http.elastic.svc.cluster.local
export ELASTIC_PORT=9200
export ELASTIC_USER=elastic
export ELASTIC_PASSWORD=changeme
export ELASTIC_SCHEME=https

For information on authentication with a bearer token with artifactory, please visit Bearer Token Authentication

Fluentd Installation

OS / Virtual Machine

Ensure you have access to the Internet from VM. Recommended install is through fluentd's native OS based package installs:

OS Package Manager Link
CentOS/RHEL Linux - RPM (YUM)
Debian/Ubuntu Linux - APT
MacOS/Darwin MacOS - DMG
Windows Windows - MSI
Gem Install** MacOS & Linux - Gem
** For Gem based install, Ruby Interpreter has to be setup first, following is the recommended process to install Ruby

1. Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM) as described in, ensure to follow all the onscreen instructions provided to complete the rvm installation
	* For installation across users a SUDO based install is recommended, the installation is as described in

2. Once rvm installation is complete, verify the RVM installation executing the command 'rvm -v'

3. Now install ruby v2.7.0 or above executing the command 'rvm install <ver_num>', ex: 'rvm install 2.7.5'

4. Verify the ruby installation, execute 'ruby -v', gem installation 'gem -v' and 'bundler -v' to ensure all the components are intact

5. Post completion of Ruby, Gems installation, the environment is ready to further install new gems, execute the following gem install commands one after other to setup the needed ecosystem

	'gem install fluentd'

After FluentD is successfully installed, the below plugins are required to be installed

	'gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch'
	'gem install fluent-plugin-jfrog-siem'
	'gem install fluent-plugin-jfrog-metrics'

Configure fluent.conf.* according to the instructions mentioned in Fluentd Configuration for Elastic section and then run the fluentd wrapper with one argument pointed to the fluent.conf.* file configured.

./fluentd $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL/fluent.conf.<product_name>


In order to run fluentd as a docker image to send the log, siem and metrics data to elastic, the following commands needs to be executed on the host that runs the docker. Change the fluentd config file based on the which component the metrics is collected.

command example

docker run \
    -e JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL='/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/' \
    -e JF_JPD_URL='http://localhost:8082' \
    -e JF_JPD_USER_NAME='admin' \
    -e JF_JPD_API_KEY='<API_KEY>' \
    -e ELASTIC_HOST='localhost' \
    -e ELASTIC_PORT='9200' \
    -e ELASTIC_USER='elastic' \
    -e ELASTIC_PASSWORD='changeme' \
    -e ELASTIC_SCHEME='http' \
    -e ELASTIC_SSL_VERIFY='false' \
    --entrypoint '/bin/sh' \
    -c 'curl -o fluentd.conf; fluentd -v -c fluentd.conf'

Kubernetes Deployment with Helm

Recommended installation for Kubernetes is to utilize the helm chart with the associated values.yaml in this repo.

Product Example Values File
Artifactory helm/artifactory-values.yaml
Artifactory HA helm/artifactory-ha-values.yaml
Xray helm/xray-values.yaml
JFrog Platform helm/jfrog-platform-values.yaml

Update the values.yaml associated to the product you want to deploy with your elastic settings.

Then deploy the helm chart as described below:

Add JFrog Helm repository:

helm repo add jfrog
helm repo update

Replace placeholders with your masterKey and joinKey. To generate each of them, use the command openssl rand -hex 32

Artifactory ⎈:

Replace the required parameters below:

helm upgrade --install artifactory  jfrog/artifactory \
       -f helm/artifactory-values.yaml \
       --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \
       --set<ELASTIC_CLUSTER_URL> \
       --set global.elastic.port=9200 \
       --set global.elastic.user=elastic \
       --set global.elastic.password=password \
       --set global.elastic.scheme=https \
       --set global.elastic.ssl_verify=true \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url=http://localhost:8082 \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url_nginx=http://jfrog-platform-artifactory-nginx \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.username=admin \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.apikey=<API_KEY> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.token=<JPD_ADMIN_TOKEN> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.branch=master

Artifactory-HA ⎈:

For HA installation, please create a license secret on your cluster prior to installation.

kubectl create secret generic artifactory-license --from-file=<path_to_license_file>artifactory.cluster.license

Note: Replace placeholders with your masterKey and joinKey. To generate each of them, use the command openssl rand -hex 32

Replace required values below:

helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha  jfrog/artifactory-ha \
       -f helm/artifactory-ha-values.yaml
       --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \
       --set<ELASTIC_CLUSTER_URL> \
       --set global.elastic.port=9200 \
       --set global.elastic.user=elastic \
       --set global.elastic.password=password \
       --set global.elastic.scheme=https \
       --set global.elastic.ssl_verify=true \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url=http://localhost:8082 \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url_nginx=http://jfrog-platform-artifactory-nginx \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.username=admin \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.apikey=<API_KEY> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.token=<JPD_ADMIN_TOKEN> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.branch=master

Xray ⎈:

Update the following fields in /helm/xray-values.yaml:

Use the same joinKey as you used in Artifactory installation to allow Xray node to successfully connect to Artifactory.

Replace required parameters below:

helm upgrade --install xray jfrog/xray \
       -f helm/xray-values.yaml
       --set xray.jfrogUrl=http://my-artifactory-nginx-url \
       --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \
       --set<ELASTIC_CLUSTER_URL> \
       --set global.elastic.port=9200 \
       --set global.elastic.user=elastic \
       --set global.elastic.password=password \
       --set global.elastic.scheme=https \
       --set global.elastic.ssl_verify=true \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url=http://localhost:8082 \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url_nginx=http://my-artifactory-nginx-url \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.username=admin \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.apikey=<API_KEY> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.token=<JPD_ADMIN_TOKEN> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.branch=master

Jfrog Platform ⎈:

Update the following fields in /helm/jfrog-platform-values.yaml:

Replace required parameters below:

helm upgrade --install jfrog-platform jfrog/jfrog-platform \
       -f helm/jfrog-platform-values.yaml \
       --set \
       --set global.elastic.port=9200 \
       --set global.elastic.user=elastic \
       --set global.elastic.password=changeme \
       --set global.elastic.scheme=https \
       --set global.elastic.ssl_verify=false \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url=http://localhost:8082 \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.jpd_url_nginx=http://jfrog-platform-artifactory-nginx \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.username=admin \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.apikey=<API_KEY> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.metrics.token=<JPD_ADMIN_TOKEN> \
       --set global.jfrog.observability.branch=master

Fluentd Configuration for Elastic

All the dynamic configuration for fluentd is picked from environment variable for xray and artifactory.

Fluentd configs:


Artifactory dashboard

  • Application - This dashboard tracks Log Volume(information about different log sources) and Artifactory Errors over time(bursts of application errors that may otherwise go undetected)
  • Audit - This dashboard tracks audit logs help you determine who is accessing your Artifactory instance and from where. These can help you track potentially malicious requests or processes (such as CI jobs) using expired credentials.
  • Docker - This dashboard tracks dockerhub pull request changes (anonymous gets only 100 requests per 6 hours where as free account gets 200 requests per 6 hours)
  • Requests - This dashboard tracks HTTP response codes, Top 10 IP addresses for uploads and downloads
  • Xray Logs - This dashboard tracks Log Volume, Xry Log Errors over time, HTTP 500 errors and Xray HTTP Response codes
  • Xray Violations - This dashboard gives an aggregated snapshot of all the violations, watch policies, and the total number of infected artifacts and components within their environment. This information is also organized by watch, by policy, by type and by severity to provide deeper segmentation and analysis.

Elastic Demo

Demo Requirements

Installing Elasticsearch and Kibana on K8s

Elasticsearch kibana setup can be done using the following files or using manual configuration

Install ECK operator following


To run this integration start by creating elasticsearch and kibana

kubectl create -f elastic/k8s-operator/elasticsearch_cluster.yaml
kubectl create -f elastic/k8s-operator/kibana.yaml



JFrog Elastic Fluentd Kibana Log Analytics Integration




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