Simple React/Redux/Router/Flow based Invoice SPA proof-of-concept. Loosely based on Seed Frontend Homework.
Blog post with a bit of commentary on the technologies.
- React
- Redux & React Router
- Styled Components
- Flow static type checking
- Testing with Jest and Enzyme
- Nuclide & Redux DevTools
- Docker with Compose
- Scaffolded with Create React App which leverages Babel and webpack
- ESLint with watch
- Yarn
- React-Bootstrap
- TravisCI integration with auto-deploy to GitHub Pages
- Install Docker 17.03.0-ce+. This should also install Docker Compose 1.11.2+.
- Verify versions:
docker -v; docker-compose -v;
docker-compose build
Builds images.
docker-compose up
Starts web server.
open http://localhost:3000/
Loads default page into local browser.
docker-compose exec web yarn lint
Run linter, stays open with watch.
docker-compose exec web yarn flow
Run Flow type checker, stays open with watch. Flow much easier to work with inside of an IDE like Atom with Nuclide, or WebStorm.
docker-compose exec web yarn test
Run test suite, stays open with watch.
docker-compose exec web yarn build
Create production build of static files.
docker-compose exec web yarn serve-build
Serve the build locally.
- Flow type cheat sheet
- Redux DevTools
- Three Rules For Structuring (Redux) Applications
- TodoMVC example using Redux, React, and Typescript
- Testing Redux Applications
- Host single page apps with GitHub Pages
- Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme
- Styled-Components v2 flow types WIP: styled-components/styled-components#843 - ignoring in