This is the official Python package for NuoDB.
If you haven't already, Download and Install NuoDB. Currently the driver supports Python version 2.7 only.
To run the tests, you will also need pytz.
pip install pytz
Install from source by running
git clone git://
cd nuodb-python
sudo python install
Or install from pip
pip install pynuodb
Simple example for connecting and reading from an existing table:
""" This assumes that you have the quickstart database running (test@localhost).
If you don't, you can start it by running /opt/nuodb/run-quickstart
import pynuodb
connection = pynuodb.connect("test", "localhost", "dba", "goalie", options={'schema':'hockey'})
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.arraysize = 3
cursor.execute("select * from hockey")
print cursor.fetchone()
Data can be inserted into a table either explicitly within the execute method...
import pynuodb
connection = pynuodb.connect("test", "localhost", "dba", "goalie", options={'schema':'hockey'})
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("create table typetest (bool_col boolean, date_col date, " +
"string_col string, integer_col integer)")
cursor.execute("insert into typetest values ('False', '2012-10-03', 'hello world', 42)")
cursor.execute("select * from typetest")
print cursor.fetchone()
or using variables...
import pynuodb
connection = pynuodb.connect("test", "localhost", "dba", "goalie", options={'schema':'hockey'})
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("create table variabletest (bool_col boolean, date_col date, " +
"string_col string, integer_col integer)")
test_vals = (False, pynuodb.Date(2012,10,3), "hello world", 42)
cursor.execute("insert into variabletest values (?, ?, ?, ?)", test_vals)
cursor.execute("select * from variabletest")
print cursor.fetchone()
For further information on getting started with NuoDB, please refer to the NuoDB wiki