A simple graphical user interface to facilitate the conversion of an image from the RGB color space into the CMYK color space on Linux. The GUI sits in top of the imagemagick convert command to perform the color space conversion operation.
- OS: Linux
- License: GPLv3
- ImageMagick - perform color conversion
- colord - provides .icc color profiles
- wxWidgets - graphical interface
- Meson - build the application
To build the application execute the following commands:
meson setup build --prefix /usr
ninja -C build
You can specify a different wx-config file by editing the nativefile.ini and compiling with the additional --native-file flag as follows:
meson setup build --native-file nativefile.ini --prefix /usr
ninja -C build
After a successfull build you can install the utility by executing:
sudo ninja -C build install