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Grav Export


PHP v7.1 or above for the composer dependencies. WP-CLI Working Wordpress 5 site from which content will be exported. R/W access to wp-content/uploads on the Wordpress site.


  1. Download and move this plugin to your Wordpress's wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. Run composer install --no-dev within the wp2grav_exporter folder to install dependencies.
  3. Enable it via wp plugin activate wp2grav_exporter or via the admin gui.
  4. Run wp wp2grav-all to export all items. See other options below.
  5. Exported files are located at WP_ROOT/wp-content/uploads/wp2grav-exports/DATE
  6. For Grav v1.6 sites, is recommended to view and manage users. This is not required for Grav 1.7+ sites.


Running wp wp2grav-all will run each of the following export steps at once. Afterwards, follow each section below on how to import the new data to a Grav install.

Exporting Users from Wordpress

Wordpress users exported to Grav

Wordpress users on left exported to Grav on the right.


wp wp2grav-users will generate Grav user account files.


  • User accounts in the export folder under EXPORT/accounts/.
    • Usernames will be padded to a minimum of 3 characters, maximum of 16.
    • If a username is truncated or padded, the username will also have the Wordpress uid to avoid collisions.
    • Passwords in each account are randomly generated, and have no connection with the respective Wordpress account. The plaintext password automatically converts to a hashed_password once the account authenticates for the first time.

Importing Users to Grav

Copy the EXPORT/accounts folder to your user directory (e.g. username.yaml files should be placed at user/accounts).

Exporting User Roles from Wordpress

Wordpress roles exported to Grav groups

Wordpress users with roles on left exported to Grav groups on the right.


wp wp2grav-roles will generate a Grav groups.yaml file.


Wordpress user roles export as Grav groups in a groups.yaml file at config/groups.yaml. Some notes about the role exporting:

  • Each Wordpress role is converted to the Grav group wp_<ROLE_WITH_UNDERSCORES> (e.g. subscriber becomes wp_subscriber).
  • Wordpress users with administrator roles receive the wp_administrator group.
  • The wp_administrator group receives admin.super access along with admin.login access. Accounts with these permissions are full admins on the site!
  • A new Grav group called wp_authenticated_user group receives admin.login access.
  • All accounts receive the "wp_authenticated_user" group.

Importing User Roles

Copy the EXPORT/config folder to users/config.

Exporting Post Types from Wordpress

Exported post types

Wordpress post types are converte to Grav page types, with a pre-pended "WP" in front of each type (highlighted in yellow here).


  • wp wp2grav-post-types will generate a basic Grav theme, along with page types that match the Wordpress post types.


  • A stub of a Grav theme will be generated that will present basic

Importing Post Types to Grav

  • Copy the EXPORT/themes folder to your user directory
  • Change the default theme under the new site's System configuration to the Wordpress Export theme.

Exporting Posts from Wordpress

Sample page, admin view

Admin view of Wordpress "Sample Page" on left exported to Grav markdown on the right.

Sample page, page view

User view of Wordpress "Sample Page" on left exported and rendered via Grav on the right.


  • wp wp2grav-posts will export all posts.


  • Each post/page will be exported to directories matching metadata from the post, typically the post/ page title.
  • Library media will be copied to the data/wp-content and in-line content will (eventually) be included within the page's directory.

Importing Post Types to Grav

  • Copy the EXPORT/pages folder to your user directory
  • Copy the EXPORT/data folder to your user directory

Exporting Site metadata from Wordpress

Sample page, admin view

Admin view of WordPress General Settings on left exported to Grav Site Config on the right.


  • wp wp2grav-site will export site metadata.


  • Grav site metadata is stored in EXPORT/config/site.yaml.

Importing Post Types to Grav

  • Copy the EXPORT/config/site.yaml folder to Grav at user/config/site.yaml.