This repository consists of a sample Facebook application powered by the Fandjango library and a walkthrough to replicate it.
First of all, we'll need to register a new application with the Facebook platform. To do so, go to and create your application. Once you have convinced Facebook that you are in fact human, you'll be presented with a daunting number of options. Don't worry, though; they're all optional and we only need to configure two of them right now:
- App namespace - The URL you'd like your application to be accessed from, e.g.
. - Canvas URL - The URL that Facebook may load your application from, e.g.
Next, create a new Django project and install Fandjango:
$ startproject myfacebookapplication
$ pip install fandjango
Add fandjango to INSTALLED_APPS
in your settings file.
Fandjango needs some configuration. Specifically, you need to add its middleware to your middleware classes and specify your application's id, secret key and namespace (all of which can be found on in your settings file:
FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_SECRET_KEY = '214e4cb484c28c35f18a70a3d735999b'
Finally, synchronize your database to install Fandjango's models:
$ python syncdb
Note: If you're using Django's built-in CSRF protection middleware, you need to make sure Fandjango's middleware precedes it. Otherwise, Facebook's requests to your application will qualify cross-site request forgeries.
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Examples:
url(r'^$', 'fandjangoexample.views.home', name='home'),
from django.http import HttpResponse
from fandjango.decorators import facebook_authorization_required
def home(request):
return HttpResponse('Hello, %s' % request.facebook.user.first_name)
That's it! You have created a Facebook application that authorizes and greets its users. Navigate to your application's canvas URL to have a closer look at your new marvel of technology.
You should read the documentation and browse the source code.