- Backend: SpringMVC3.2.9 Spring3.2.9 MyBatis3.1.1 (Configured by annotation)
- Database: Mysql
- Web Server: Tomcat 7
- Build Tool: Maven 3.3.9
- RPC: Hessian 4,Dubbo 2.5.3 参考链接
- Other: Druid(database connection pool) JUnit Log4j Jackson FastJson Zookeeper
- Integration of Spring core, Spring MVC, and MyBatis, Dubbo
- Management of users through CRUD interface
- You can find code generator from the link
- In the folder of mybatis-generator, you can find generator.xml and mybatis-generator-core-1.3.2.jar.
- Download these two files in the folder of C:\mybatis, and run the following command: java -jar mybatis-generator-core-1.3.2.jar -configfile generator.xml -overwrite
- Then Java POJOs that match the table structure will be generated.
- Thank for the author provide the link 参考链接
- I deploy the project through the link.