This is where the "sources" (ie, build scripts which make packages) for the O3DE package system are located.
Note that the "sources" of most packages are not actually stored here, most "package sources" actually just consist of a script which fetches the source code (or prebuilt packages) from somewhere else, constructs a temporary folder image for it, and then lets the package system pack that folder up as the package.
In general
- Add your new package to the appropriate package_build_list_host_xxxx file
- Put the scripts or instructions to construct the package image folder into the package-system subfolder
Recommendation would be to make any temp packing in a folder called /temp/ so as to use the current git ignores.
Some notable examples
- xxhash - a tiny header-only library that is just committed-as-is since it fits in git. No build scripts.
- OpenSSL - this one uses vcpkg to build the package image.
- Lua - this one uses a script called (in Scripts/extras) to build the package image.
See the documentation ( in 3p-package-scripts repo for a full description of how to author packages.)