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Opening Books

James Horsfall Thomas edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 56 revisions

Method: Openings in each book come from the Caissabase database of 5.4M human games. All unique PGN move sequences were extracted and counted for a given ply, then filtered to remove less common move sequences resulting in the same final position (FEN). The resulting openings were tested for imbalance with 100 nodes of a large Leela net (net 65100) or 1000 nodes of a small net (703810). All opening books appear in order of human popularity, with most popular first. Because the source is so broad, later entries in each book are very odd but you can readily edit them by hand to cut off wherever you want.

First set of books are raw, in the form of FEN; PGN moves; Q. Anyone with a little programming or spreadsheet experience can turn those into books of your choice.

Approximate Q guide:

  1. openings with abs(Q) 0.0 to 0.25 are balanced (roughly between -30 and 30 centipawns on the Stockfish scale)
  2. openings with abs(Q) 0.25 to 0.4 are unbalanced
  3. openings with abs(Q) and over 0.4 are very unbalanced
Main lines of common openings are typically about Q 0.1 to 0.2.

Raw books:
FEN; PGN moves; Q

Tiered books:
Q ranges are absolute value (black or white advantage), standard 7 header PGN format with one added header that gives the Q value, which you can ignore if you wish.

Tiered endgame books:

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