To generate the full site including Quartz docs, you need to link some Quartz directories in this repository.
You should do it for every version you want to work on.
cd quartz-worktree
git clone ${quartz-version}
# If you are on Windows, you would want to use "cp -r" instead of "ln -s"
ln -s ${quartz-version}/docs ../documentation/${quartz-version}
The ${quartz-version}
is the value set in _config.yml
and it should be the latest
quartz release version. If you want to build other version of quartz docs, you can
add additional ${quartz-version}
that match to the git branch or tag. For examples:
quartz-version | branch_or_tag |
2.3.2-SNAPSHOT | quartz-2.3.x |
2.3.1 | quartz-2.3.1 |
Install Jekyll if you have not - follow instructions on the Jekyll home page (after first installing Ruby)
After installing jekyll, install some gems:
- nokogiri : "gem install nokogiri"
- asciidoctor: " gem install jasciidoctor"
- jekyll-asciidoc: " gem install jekyll-asciidoc"
Clone this repository to your local system (if you're going to contribute content, fork it first, and clone that)
cd into the "" directory
To generate and view the site "jekyll serve -w" ( then point your browser at http://localhost:4000" )
To generate the site "jekyll build"
NOTE: On windows, you would need to run bundle.bat exec jekyll serve -w
script on build steps reference.
You need JDK8 and Maven 3.6.0 to build
pushd quartz
git checkout master
cp -rf docs ../documentation/${VER}
mvn package -Ddist -DskipTests
# Output is in distribution/target
cp -r distribution/target/quartz-${VER}-distribution.tar.gz ../downloads/files
mkdir -p ../api/${VER}
cp -r distribution/target/quartz-${VER}/javadoc/* ../api/${VER}
You need JDK7 and Maven 3.6.0 to build
mvn package -DskipTests -Ddist
# Output is in distribution/target
You need JDK6 and Maven 3.2.5 to build
mvn package -DskipTests -Ddist
# Output is in distribution/target
You need JDK6 and Maven 3.2.5 to build
mvn package -DskipTests -Dprepare-distribution
# Output is in quartz/target
# NOTE: This version and older does not have the .tar.gz dist package, so we only publish
# the "quartz-all.jar" file as download.
You need JDK6 and Maven 3.2.5 to build
mvn package -DskipTests -Dprepare-distribution
# Output is in quartz/target
# NOTE: This version and older does not have the .tar.gz dist package, so we only publish
# the "quartz.jar" file as download.
You need JDK5 (Or you can use JDK6 to build as well) and Maven 3.0.5 to build
mvn package -DskipTests -Dprepare-distribution
# Output is in quartz/target
# NOTE: This version and older does not have the .tar.gz dist package, so we only publish
# the "quartz.jar" file as download.