Python script to parse the output of SMCIPMITool into the InfluxDB line protocol. Intended to be run via Telegraf's exec input plugin.
The SMCIPMITool [download] must be installed on the Telegraf host.
Clone this repo to the Telegraf host and configure Telegraf as shown below.
commands["/path/to/ /path/to/SCMIPMITool '' 'ipmi_user' 'ipmi_pw' 'F'"]
data_format = "influx"
usage: [-h] path ip user password {C,F}
SMCIpmi input plugin
positional arguments:
path Path to SMCIpmi utility
ip IP address of Supermicro host
user Username
password Password
{C,F} Temperature unit to use
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit