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Any stack test v0.2.2 situation removal disabled

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@ahundt ahundt released this 23 Sep 16:56
· 3 commits to grasp_pytorch0.4+ since this release

This is an any stack test which got 85% out of 100 trials successfully, where situation removal was disabled for the testing phase. Note that there was one stack which was completed successfully, but the stack check didn't detect it correctly.

Testing iteration: 1332
WARNING variable mismatch num_trials + 1: 99 nonlocal_variables[stack].trial: 100
Change detected: True (value: 697)
Primitive confidence scores: 2.217880 (push), 2.889425 (grasp), 4.069210 (place)
Action: place at (4, 140, 58)
Executing: place at (-0.608000, 0.056000, 0.154977)
gripper position: 0.0036427080631256104
gripper position: 0.003579080104827881
Trainer.get_label_value(): Current reward: 2.343750 Current reward multiplier: 3.000000 Predicted Future reward: 4.044539 Expected reward: 2.343750 + 0.500000 x 4.044539 = 4.366020
Training loss: 0.267459
current_position: [-0.61089891  0.050615    0.18193844]
current_obj_z_location: 0.21193843960762024
goal_position: 0.21497650269592167 goal_position_margin: 0.3149765026959217
has_moved: True near_goal: True place_success: True
check_stack() current detected stack height: 4
check_stack() stack_height: 4 stack matches current goal: True partial_stack_success: True Does the code think a reset is needed: False
TRIAL 101 SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STACK:  trial: 101 actions/partial: 4.760714285714286  actions/full stack: 15.869047619047619 (lower is better)  Grasp Count: 638, grasp success rate: 0.8636363636363636 place_on_stack_rate: 0.5100182149362478 place_attempts: 549  partial_stack_successes: 280  stack_successes: 84 trial_success_rate: 0.8316831683168316 stack goal: [2 1 0 3] current_height: 4
Time elapsed: 12.173556
Trainer iteration: 1333.000000

Testing iteration: 1333
WARNING variable mismatch num_trials + 1: 100 nonlocal_variables[stack].trial: 101
Change detected: True (value: 3468)
Trainer.get_label_value(): Current reward: 1.031250 Current reward multiplier: 1.000000 Predicted Future reward: 2.306686 Expected reward: 1.031250 + 0.500000 x 2.306686 = 2.184593
Trial logging complete: 99 --------------------------------------------------------------
Training loss: 0.591320

Note that we needed to comment the following line in grasp():

self.move_to(self.sim_home_position, None)

This issue can be avoided by training a new model from scratch with the current settings.

Command to run:

export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" && python3 --is_sim --obj_mesh_dir 'objects/blocks' --num_obj 4  --push_rewards --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --place --load_snapshot --snapshot_file '/home/costar/Downloads/snapshot.reinforcement-best-stack-rate.pth' --random_seed 1238 --is_testing --save_visualizations --disable_situation_removal