Elevation Data from:
USGS 1/3 arc-second DEM, downloaded as ArcGrid files.
I used QGIS to convert Arcgrid file to GeoTIFF, and combined GeoTIFFs in QGIS as well.
I used GDAL to convert GeoTIFF to bin file. Command is:
gdal_translate -scale 982 1905 0 65535 -outsize 10 10 -ot UInt16 -of ENVI hudsonvalley.tif hudsonvalley.bin
I then used GDAL some more to output a hill-shade TIFF and a color-relief TIFF. Good info on those methods here.
You can combine the hillshade and color-relief a few different ways. One way is with this Python script.
I, however, just opened both the hillshade and color-relief files in Photoshop, set them both at 50% transparency, layered one on top of the other, then flattened. I like the results I got this way.