course page, with the basic search functionality and pagination
This application uses the next libraries and packages to work properly
- ReactJS A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Redux A predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
- Axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- React-Router Declarative routing for React.
- Thunk Define React functional stateless components as thunks
Download from the repository here, or use the git command to clone it:
$ git clone
have installed NodeJs , Yarn, and a text editor
Install the dependencies.
$ cd rick
$ npmi install
Development environment, the app is running in the port 3000 by default
$ npm start
this will display the app on the browser
You must have running the app, to make the test so in another console you have to use the next command
$ npm run cypress:open
This will display a window like this one
you must click on the file test_spec.js
and this will open the cypress browser,
where you can see every step of the test with it result
the API for the pagination always returns the same data, no matter what id is passed, that's why every time that pagination is used the view doesn't change.