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Beans Wishlist

Third-party library dependency:
We use the following libraries in the project

See the complete list in build.gradle

Get the code
git clone
As we use git submodules, please also run the following command to download the submodule
cd wishlist
git submodule update --init --recursive

Development enviroment
We recommend Android Studio as the IDE. You can download it from It should also incude Android sdk.

Compile and run

  • Using Android Studio
    Open the project in Android Studio. (Select wishlist/wishlit/build.gradle when opening in Android Studio)
    Build->Make Project
    Run->Run 'wishlist-wishlist'

  • Command line
    General guide to build Android project using gradle in command line:

Go to wishlist folder and

Build for debug
./gradlew assembleDebug
It will download the gradle package and install it if you don't have it on your computer, be patient.

Build for release
./gradlew assembleRelease

Building for release will need to setup release key store file in ~/.gradle/
Create a file in ~/.gradle/ and add the following to the file

RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD="your release store password"
RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS="your key alias"
RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD="your release key password"

Go to wishlist folder and run
./gradlew assembleDebug

Install the apk to your Android devices or emulator (you will need adb installed and in your $PATH)
adb install ./wishlist/build/outputs/apk/wishlist-debug.apk