You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 52
Swift study notes
- 字符串中截取子串
var str = "TutorialKart"
let start = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let end = str.index(str.endIndex, offsetBy: -4)
let range = start..<end
let subStr = str[range]
print( subStr ) // torial
- 字符串中插入字符
var str1 = "Hello World!"
var ch :Character = "x"
var i = str1.index(str1.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
str1.insert(ch, at: i)
print( str1 ) // Hellox World!
- 创建一个空集合
To create an empty set in Swift, use Set<T>() where T is the type of elements we would like to store in this Set.
var names = Set<String>()
var names = Set<Int>()
- 获取集合随机元素1
let fruits: Set = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "mango"]
if let element = fruits.randomElement() {
print("Random Element : \(element)")
- 获取集合随机元素2
对于空集合,随机元素返回 nil
let fruits = Set<Int>()
let element = fruits.randomElement()
print("Random Element : \(element)") // Random Element : nil
- 集合超集检测
let set1: Set = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
let set2: Set = [4, 10]
if set1.isSuperset(of: set2) {
print("set1 is a superset of set2.")
} else {
print("set1 is not a superset of set2.")
- 可变参数函数
To define a function that can accept one or more values for a parameter, also called a variadic parameter, declare the parameter followed by three period characters ... after the type.
func sum(_ numbers: Int...) {
var result = 0
for n in numbers {
result += n
print("The sum of numbers is \(result)")
sum(2, 3)
sum(1, 2, 8, 4, 6)
- 参数标签
By default the parameter name is used as label. But we can specify a custom label for parameter.
func add(a: Int, b: Int) {
let result = a + b
print("The result is \(result)")
add(a: 4, b: 3)
To define a custom label for function’s parameter(s) in Swift, specify the custom label before the parameter name in the function definition.
func add(firstNumber a: Int, secondNumber b: Int) {
add(firstNumber: 10, secondNumber: 20)
- 省略参数标签
To call a function with no parameter labels in Swift, place an underscore before that parameter in the function definition.
func greet(_ name: String, country: String) {
print("Hello \(name)")
print("Are you from \(country)?")
greet("Abc", country: "Canada")
- 参数默认值
func greet(name: String = "User") {
print("Hello \(name)!")
greet(name: "Abc")
- 引用传参
func incrementByN(x: inout Int, n: Int = 0) {
x = x + n
var someNumber = 10
print("someNumber before function call : \(someNumber)")
incrementByN(x: &someNumber, n: 7)
print("someNumber after function call : \(someNumber)")
- 将函数赋值给变量
func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
//declare variable
var addFunction: (Int, Int) -> Int
//assign function to variable
addFunction = add
//call function using variable
let result = addFunction(5, 4)
print("Result is \(result)")
- 将函数作为返回值
func calculate() -> (Int, Int) -> Int {
func addition(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
return addition
//variable to store function
var myFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int
myFunc = calculate()
print(myFunc(2, 5))
protocol Mailable {
var width: Double { get, set }
var height: Double { get, set }
{ get set } should not have a comma inside.
protocol Strokeable {
fluffiness: Int { get }
fluffiness should be declared using var.
protocol Buildable {
var numberOfBricks: Int { set }
var materials: [String] { set }
It's not possible to create set-only properties in Swift. Protocols can mark properties as read-only or read-write.
protocol HasPages {
var pageCount: Int
protocol HasTableOfContents {
var titles: [String]
protocol Book: HasPages, HasTableOfContents {
var author: String
Correct! All three properties here must have { get } or { get set } after them.
protocol Buyable {
var cost: Int
protocol Sellable {
func findBuyers() -> [String]
protocol FineArt: Buyable, Sellable { }
that's not correct. The cost property must have { get } or { get set } after it.
Swift doesn’t let you add stored properties in extensions, so you must use computed properties instead. For example, we could add a new isEven computed property to integers that returns true if it holds an even number:
extension Int {
var isEven: Bool {
return self % 2 == 0
- Protocols describe what methods and properties a conforming type must have, but don’t provide the implementations of those methods.
- You can build protocols on top of other protocols, similar to classes.
- Extensions let you add methods and computed properties to specific types such as Int.
- Protocol extensions let you add methods and computed properties to protocols.
- Protocol-oriented programming is the practice of designing your app architecture as a series of protocols, then using protocol extensions to provide default method implementations.