This guide covers:
- Setting up a docs repo
- Manually configure CI/CD using Cloud Build
- Including auto-deploy to Google Cloud Storage
- Adding a custom domain URL
- Automating future builds
This example repo is hosted it:
Have a high level understanding of static sites, Cloud Build, and Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Cloud Build is a YAML based CI/CD system that instructs how we deploy to GCS.
Cloud Build pricing is $0.003 a build-minute. The first 120 builds-minutes per day are free.
This demo is based of the docsy example site. Create a fork of this repository to be deployed in your own Google project. By creating a fork you can customize as needed.
git clone path-to-your-fork:username/<repo>
cd <repo>
For information on customizing and maintaining a docsy site please see the official docs.
Create and set
project. Setup billing if not completed already.
gcloud projects create $GC_PROJECT
gcloud config set project $GC_PROJECT
Enable APIs.
gcloud services enable \ \
Set permissions on the Cloud Build service account.
GC_PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list \
--filter="$GC_PROJECT" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")
# Grant the roles/storage.admin to the Cloud Build service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GC_PROJECT \
--member "serviceAccount:$" \
--role roles/storage.admin
gsutil mb -b on gs://$BUCKET_NAME
Running the following creates the container and deploys it under a random domain URL on Cloud Run. In subsequent steps we give it a custom domain and automate the build trigger.
There's an issue with .git directories with Cloud Build that excludes
folders which we avoid by disablinggcloudignore
gcloud config set gcloudignore/enabled false
gcloud builds submit --substitutions _ENVIRONMENT="production"
To help with the terminology see this pic:
We've already created the backend, let's work our way from right to left.
Configure the backend
gcloud compute backend-buckets create gcs-gitdocs-bucket \
--gcs-bucket-name=$BUCKET_NAME \
Configure the URL map
gcloud compute url-maps create https-lb \
Create a Google-managed SSL certificate for the target proxy
# wildcards are not supported at this time.
# domains can be listed as comma separated but each domain MUST point to the lb IP
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create gcs-gitdocs-cert \
--description="ssl lb cert for prod gcs site" \
--domains=$DOMAINS \
Configure the target proxy
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create https-lb-proxy \
--url-map=https-lb --ssl-certificates=gcs-gitdocs-cert \
--global-ssl-certificates \
--ssl-policy SSL_POLICY_NAME
Reserve a static IP for the forwarding rule
gcloud compute addresses create gcs-gitdocs-dev-ip \
--network-tier=PREMIUM \
--ip-version=IPV4 \
Configure the forwarding rule
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create https-lb-forwarding-rule \
--address=gcs-gitdocs-dev-ip \
--global \
--target-https-proxy=https-lb-proxy \
Update the DNS A records to point to the load balancer's IP address
gcloud compute addresses describe gcs-gitdocs-dev-ip \
--format="get(address)" \
Specifying the CAs that are allowed to issue your Google-managed certificate (example):
Check dig (DNS look up test)
; <<>> DiG 9.16.1-Ubuntu <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22039
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 65494
; IN A
;; Query time: 151 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Nov 10 06:04:02 UTC 2020
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 60
If interested in checking CAA:
dig caa
>>> Provisioning a Google-managed certificate might take up to 60 minutes. <<<
Validate provisioning status of SSL cert on GCP
# Wait for status to no longer be "PROVISIONING"
gcloud compute ssl-certificates describe gcs-gitdocs-cert \
>>> Provisioning a Google-managed certificate might take up to 60 minutes. <<<
If you have a need for stricter SSL settings on your site, you can create a policy and add it to your https proxy.
# create the new policy
gcloud compute ssl-policies create min-tls-modern \
--profile MODERN --min-tls-version 1.2
# update the proxy to use the policy
gcloud compute target-https-proxies update https-lb-proxy \
--ssl-policy min-tls-modern
More info on SSL policies.
Since I already installed the Cloud Build app for another repo, I was able to enable the app for this repo, making adding the trigger a lot easier. To see the instructions on installing the Cloud Build app click here. Before you can add the trigger, you must connect the repo.
Skip the creating the trigger, as we'll do that through gloud
See instructions to Connect Repository here.
gcloud beta builds triggers create github \
--name="prod-github" \
--repo-name=$REPO_NAME \
--repo-owner=$REPO_OWNER \
--branch-pattern="main" \
--substitutions _ENVIRONMENT="production" \
Given the complexities of setting up a HTTPS load balancer on GCP, the dynamic cert creation would take very long for PRs. A few alternate solutions exist:
- Use a self-managed wildcard certificate
- LB provisioning would still take some time
- Clean up is difficult
- Automate sub-path previews using url maps
- Uses production URL
- Potentially impacts production site routing
- Use a different CDN like Cloud Flare for auto-HTTPS
- Clean up is difficult
For simplicity sake, we'll deploy via wildcard CNAME and HTTP to a bucket that has a short retention period.
Point a wildcard to the GCS CNAME. An exact DNS match (subdomain) will take precedence over a wildcard.
This might not happen for everyone, but I had to add the Cloud Build service account ($
) as the domain owner at
Do NOT use
gcloud builds submit \
--substitutions _ENVIRONMENT="staging",_STAGE_BUCKET_URL=""
You should now be able to vist Since the site is HTTP you will probably get the following warning:
If using chrome, type in thisisunsafe
and the page should load:
One of the most important parts of CI/CD is automating previews when a PR is opened. To do this, add anotehr trigger named pr-trigger
gcloud beta builds triggers create github \
--name="pr-trigger" \
--repo-name=$REPO_NAME \
--repo-owner=$REPO_OWNER \
--pull-request-pattern="^main$" \
--build-config=cloudbuild.yaml \
--substitutions _ENVIRONMENT="staging" \
If you'd like Cloud Build to respond with a URL and instructions about previewing the URL, see instructions here.
It would consist of creating the KMS in GCP and updating cloudbuild.yaml
While CDN is enabled, it's possible that it's not configured. You want to validate cache is working and review TTL cache methods.
You set cache-control headers via gsutil
on the bucket to allow cacheability. Like:
# Enable cache control for 1 hour
gsutil setmeta -r -h "Cache-control:public, max-age=3600" gs://bucket_name
To invalidate all cache:
gcloud compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache https-lb --path "/*"
- Move previews to an HTTPS solution
- Improve caching performance