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CRAN Task Views

Task Views

⭐ = Favorite / Recommendation

Additionally, I included the ctv R package.

Shiny App

There is also an exploratory Shiny App that van be viewed at

Quickly browse packages and their licenses using a snapshot of task views retrieved on 2020-02-28.

Not all packages available on CRAN are shown here, just the ones in CRAN’s Task Views.

Techinical Details and Code

Repo’s are added via git submodules; see the .gitmodules file for details.

git init

git submodule add package-development
git submodule add
git submodule add finance
git submodule add
git submodule add "high-performace-computing"
git submodule add
git submodule add "databases"
git submodule add "model-deployments"
git submodule add "reproducible-research"
git submodule add "anamoly-detection"
git submodule add "security"
git submodule add "timeseries"
git submodule add "optimization"
git submodule add "graphics"
git submodule add
git submodule add "numerical-math"
git submodule add opendata
git submodule add hydrology
git submodule add computational-environments
git submodule add "spacial-and-temporal-spatial"


In order to stay up-to-date utilize the shell script:


git submodule update --recursive

Remaining CTVs not found on Github:

The remaining task views are taken from CRAN and placed into the data folder.

  • NOTE: I use pandoc to convert between HTML and Markdown here.
remaining <- c(

ctvs <- purrr::map(remaining, function(x) {
  read.ctv(system.file("ctv", paste0(x, ".ctv"), package = "ctv"))
}) %>% setNames(remaining)

  ~ctv::ctv2html(x = .x, file = fs::path("data/html", paste0(.y, ".html")))


purrr::walk(basename(fs::dir_ls("data/html")), function(x) {
  cmd <- paste0("pandoc -o 'data/md/", fs::path_ext_remove(x), ".md' ", x)

Session Info

- Session info ---------------------------------------------------------------
 setting  value                       
 version  R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
 os       Windows 10 x64              
 system   x86_64, mingw32             
 ui       RTerm                       
 language en-US                       
 collate  English_United States.1252  
 ctype    English_United States.1252  
 tz       America/New_York            
 date     2021-02-23                  

- Packages -------------------------------------------------------------------
 package     * version date       lib source        
 assertthat    0.2.1   2019-03-21 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)
 cli           2.3.1   2021-02-23 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 digest        0.6.27  2020-10-24 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 evaluate      0.14    2019-05-28 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)
 fs            1.5.0   2020-07-31 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 glue          1.4.2   2020-08-27 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)
 htmltools 2021-01-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)
 knitr         1.31    2021-01-27 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)
 magrittr      2.0.1   2020-11-17 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 rlang         0.4.10  2020-12-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 rmarkdown     2.6     2020-12-14 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 sessioninfo   1.1.1   2018-11-05 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 stringi       1.5.3   2020-09-09 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 stringr       1.4.0   2019-02-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)
 withr         2.4.1   2021-01-26 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)
 xfun          0.21    2021-02-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.0)
 yaml          2.2.1   2020-02-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.0.3)

[1] C:/Users/Jimmy Briggs/.R/lib/4.0
[2] C:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.3/library

ALL Task Views Detailed Information

To get all CTVs:


cdir <- system.file("ctv", package = "ctv")
ctvs <- list.files(cdir, pattern = "\\.ctv$")

rr <- sapply(ctvs,
             function(ctv) {
               cat(sprintf("%25s  ", ctv))
               R <- read.ctv(file.path(cdir, ctv))
             simplify = FALSE)

and for more details, including the packages within the CTVs:

for (n in names(rr)) {
  cat(n, " :\n","=", nchar(n)), "\n", sep = '')
Bayesian.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Bayesian
Topic:      Bayesian Inference
Maintainer: Jong Hee Park
Version:    2018-04-13

Packages:   abc, abn, AdMit, arm*, AtelieR, BaBooN, BACCO*, BaM, bamlss, BAS,
            BayesDA, BayesFactor, bayesGARCH, bayesImageS, bayesm*, bayesmeta,
            bayesmix, bayesQR, BayesSummaryStatLM, bayesSurv*, Bayesthresh,
            BayesTree, BayesValidate, BayesVarSel, BayesX, BayHaz, BAYSTAR,
            bbemkr, BCBCSF, BCE, bclust, bcp, bisoreg, BLR, BMA, Bmix, BMS,
            bnlearn, boa*, Bolstad, Boom, BoomSpikeSlab, bqtl, bridgesampling,
            brms, bsamGP, bspec, bspmma, BSquare, bsts, BVS, catnet,
            coalescentMCMC, coda*, cudaBayesreg, dclone, deal, deBInfer, dlm,
            DPpackage*, EbayesThresh, ebdbNet, eco, eigenmodel, ensembleBMA,
            evdbayes, exactLoglinTest, factorQR, FME, geoR, geoRglm, ggmcmc,
            glmmBUGS, gRain, growcurves, hbsae, HI, Hmisc, iterLap,
            LaplacesDemon, LearnBayes, lme4, lmm, MasterBayes, matchingMarkets,
            mcmc*, MCMCglmm, MCMCpack*, mgcv, mlogitBMA, MNP, mombf, monomvn,
            MSBVAR, NetworkChange, nimble*, openEBGM, pacbpred, PAWL,
            predmixcor, PReMiuM, prevalence, profdpm, pscl, R2BayesX, R2jags,
            R2WinBUGS, ramps, rbugs, revdbayes, RJaCGH, rjags, RSGHB, RSGHB,
            rstan, rstiefel, runjags, Runuran, RxCEcolInf, SamplerCompare,
            SampleSizeMeans, SampleSizeProportions, sbgcop, SimpleTable, sna,
            spBayes, spikeslab, spikeSlabGAM, spTimer, stochvol, tgp,
            tRophicPosition, zic
            (* = core package)

ChemPhys.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       ChemPhys
Topic:      Chemometrics and Computational Physics
Maintainer: Katharine Mullen
Version:    2018-01-24

Packages:   ALS*, AnalyzeFMRI, AquaEnv, astro, astrochron, astrodatR, astroFns,
            astrolibR, Bchron, BioMark, bvls, celestial, CellularAutomaton,
            chemCal*, chemometrics, ChemometricsWithR, ChemoSpec, CHNOSZ,
            clustvarsel, compositions, cosmoFns, CosmoPhotoz, CRAC, dielectric,
            diffractometry, drc, drm, EEM, elasticnet, enpls, fastICA, FITSio,
            fmri, fpca, FTICRMS, homals, hyperSpec, investr, Iso*, kohonen*,
            leaps, lira, lspls, MALDIquant, minpack.lm, moonsun, nlme, nlreg,
            nnls*, OrgMassSpecR, pcaPP, Peaks, PET, planar, pls*, plspm, ppls,
            prospectr, psy, PTAk*, quantchem, rcdk, rcdklibs, represent,
            resemble, RobPer, rpubchem, sapa, SCEPtER, SCEPtERbinary, simecol,
            snapshot, solaR, som, SPADAR, speaq, spls, stellaR, stepPlr,
            subselect, TIMP, titan, titrationCurves, UPMASK, varSelRF, webchem,
            (* = core package)

ClinicalTrials.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       ClinicalTrials
Topic:      Clinical Trial Design, Monitoring, and Analysis
Maintainer: Ed Zhang and Harry G. Zhang
Version:    2018-03-26

Packages:   adaptTest*, AGSDest, asd*, asypow, bcrm*, binomSamSize, blockrand*,
            clinfun*, clinsig, clusterPower, coin,, CRM, CRTSize*,
            dfcrm*, dfped, dfpk, DoseFinding, epibasix, ewoc, experiment*,
            FrF2, GroupSeq*, gsbDesign, gsDesign*, HH, Hmisc*,
            InformativeCensoring, ldbounds*, longpower, MChtest*, MCPMod,
            Mediana, meta, metafor, metaLik, metasens, multcomp, nppbib, PIPS*,
            PowerTOST*, pwr*, PwrGSD*, qtlDesign*, rmeta, samplesize, seqmon*,
            speff2trial*, ssanv, survival*, TEQR*, ThreeArmedTrials,
            ThreeGroups, TrialSize*
            (* = core package)

Cluster.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Cluster
Topic:      Cluster Analysis & Finite Mixture Models
Maintainer: Friedrich Leisch and Bettina Gruen
Version:    2018-05-04

Packages:   AdMit, ADPclust, amap, apcluster, BayesLCA, bayesm, bayesmix,
            bclust, bgmm, biclust, Bmix, bmixture, cba, cclust, CEC, CHsharp,
            clue, cluster*, clusterfly, clusterGeneration, clusterRepro,
            clusterSim, clustMixType, clustvarsel, clv, clValid, CoClust,
            compHclust, dbscan, dendextend, depmix, depmixS4, dpmixsim,
            dynamicTreeCut, e1071, edci, EMCluster, evclust, FactoClass,
            fastcluster, fclust, flashClust, flexclust*, flexCWM, flexmix*,
            fpc, FunCluster, funFEM, funHDDC,, genie, GLDEX, GSM,
            HDclassif, hybridHclust, idendr0, IMIFA, isopam, kernlab, kml,
            largeVis, latentnet, LCAvarsel, lcmm, longclust, mcclust, mclust*,
            MetabolAnalyze, mixAK, mixdist, mixPHM, mixRasch, mixreg, MixSim,
            mixsmsn, mixtools, mixture, MOCCA, MoEClust, movMF, mritc, NbClust,
            nor1mix, optpart, ORIClust, pdfCluster, pmclust, poLCA, prabclus,
            prcr, PReMiuM, profdpm, protoclust, psychomix, pvclust, randomLCA,
            rebmix, rjags, Rmixmod*, RPMM, seriation, sigclust, skmeans, som,
            sparcl, tclust, teigen, treeClust, trimcluster, VarSelLCM, wle
            (* = core package)

DifferentialEquations.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       DifferentialEquations
Topic:      Differential Equations
Maintainer: Karline Soetaert and Thomas Petzoldt
Version:    2017-11-22

Packages:   adaptivetau, bvpSolve*, cOde, CollocInfer, deSolve*, deTestSet,
            dMod, ecolMod, FME, GillespieSSA, mkin, nlmeODE, odeintr,
            PBSddesolve, PBSmodelling, phaseR, pomp, pracma, primer, QPot,
            ReacTran, rODE, rodeo, rootSolve*, rpgm, scaRabee, sde*,
            Sim.DiffProc, simecol
            (* = core package)

Distributions.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Distributions
Topic:      Probability Distributions
Maintainer: Christophe Dutang, Patrice Kiener
Version:    2018-04-17

Packages:   actuar*, AdMit, agricolae, ald, AtelieR, bayesm, benchden,
            BiasedUrn, BivarP, bmixture, bridgedist, CDVine, cmvnorm, coga,
            CompGLM, CompLognormal, compoisson, Compositional, Compounding,
            CompQuadForm, condMVNorm, copBasic, copula*, csn, Davies,
            degreenet, Delaporte, dirmult, disclap, DiscreteInverseWeibull,
            DiscreteLaplace, DiscreteWeibull, distcrete, distr*, distrDoc,
            distrEllipse, distrEx, DistributionUtils, distrMod, distrSim,
            distrTeach, distrTEst, dng, e1071, ecd, emdbook, emg, EnvStats,
            evd, evdbayes, evir, extraDistr, extremefit, FAdist, FatTailsR,
            fBasics, fCopulae*, fExtremes, fgac, fitdistrplus, fitteR,
            flexsurv, FMStable, fpow, frmqa, gambin, gamlss.dist*,,
            gaussDiff, gb, GB2, GenBinomApps, GeneralizedHyperbolic, GenOrd,
            geoR, ghyp, GIGrvg, gld, GLDEX, glogis, GMD, GSM, gumbel, HAC,
            hermite, HI, HistogramTools, hyper2, HyperbolicDist, ihs,
            kernelboot, kolmim, KScorrect, LambertW, LaplacesDemon, LearnBayes,
            lhs, LIHNPSD, lmom, lmomco*, Lmoments, logitnorm, loglognorm, marg,
            MASS, mbbefd, mc2d, mclust, MCMCpack, mded, mgpd, minimax, MitISEM,
            MittagLeffleR, MixedTS, mixtools, MM, mnormpow, mnormt*, modeest,
            moments, movMF, msm, mvprpb, mvrtn, mvtnorm*, nCDunnett, Newdistns,
            nor1mix, NormalGamma, NormalLaplace, normalp, ORDER2PARENT, OrdNor,
            ParetoPosStable, PDQutils, PearsonDS*, PhaseType, poibin, poilog,
            poistweedie, polyaAeppli, poweRlaw, qmap, QRM, randaes, random,
            randtoolbox, RDieHarder, ReIns, reliaR*, Renext, retimes,
            revdbayes, rlecuyer, RMKdiscrete, RMTstat, rngwell19937, rpgm,
            rstream, RTDE, rtdists, Runuran, rust, s20x, sadists, SCI, setRNG,
            sfsmisc, sgt, skellam, SkewHyperbolic, skewt, sld, smoothmest, SMR,
            sn, sparseMVN, spd, stabledist, STAR, statmod, SuppDists,
            symmoments, tmvtnorm, tolerance, trapezoid, triangle, truncnorm,
            TSA, tsallisqexp, TTmoment, tweedie, VarianceGamma, VGAM*,
            VineCopula, vines, zipfR
            (* = core package)

Econometrics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Econometrics
Topic:      Econometrics
Maintainer: Achim Zeileis
Version:    2018-04-24

Packages:   AER*, aod, apt, bayesm, betareg, BMA, BMS, boot, bootstrap, brglm,
            CADFtest, car*, CDNmoney, censReg, clubSandwich, clusterSEs, crch,
            decompr, dlsem, dynlm, Ecdat, effects, erer, expsmooth,
            ExtremeBounds, fma, forecast*, frm, frontier, fxregime, gam,
            gamlss, geepack, gets, glmx, gmm, gmnl, gvc, Hmisc, ineq, intReg,
            ivbma, ivfixed, ivlewbel, ivpack, ivpanel, ivprobit, LARF, lavaan,
            lfe, LinRegInteractive, lme4, lmtest*, margins, MASS,
            matchingMarkets, Matrix, Mcomp, meboot, mfx, mgcv, mhurdle,
            micEcon, micEconAids, micEconCES, micEconSNQP, midasr, mlogit,
            mnlogit, MNP, MSBVAR, multiwayvcov, mvProbit, nlme, nnet, nonnest2,
            np, ordinal, OrthoPanels, pampe, panelAR, Paneldata, panelvar,
            PANICr, pco, pcse, pder, pdR, pglm, phtt, plm*, pscl, psidR, pwt,
            pwt8, pwt9, quantreg, Rchoice, rdd, rddapp, rddtools, rdlocrand,
            rdmulti, rdpower, rdrobust, reldist, REndo, rms, RSGHB,
            rUnemploymentData, sampleSelection, sandwich*, segmented, sem,
            SemiParSampleSel, semsfa, sfa, simpleboot, SparseM, spatialprobit,
            spdep, spfrontier, sphet, splm, ssfa, strucchange, survival,
            systemfit, truncreg, tsDyn, tseries*, tsfa, urca*, vars, VGAM,
            wahc, wbstats, wooldridge, xts, Zelig, zoo*, zTree
            (* = core package)

Environmetrics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Environmetrics
Topic:      Analysis of Ecological and Environmental Data
Maintainer: Gavin Simpson
Version:    2018-04-11

Packages:   ade4*, amap, analogue, aod, ape, aqp, BiodiversityR, boussinesq,
            bReeze, CircStats, circular, cluster*, cocorresp, Distance,
            diveMove, dse, dsm, DSpat, dyn, dynatopmodel, dynlm, e1071, earth,
            eco, ecodist, EcoHydRology, EnvStats, equivalence, evd, evdbayes,
            evir, extRemes, fast, FD, flexmix, forecast, fso, gam, gamair,
            hydroGOF, HydroMe, hydroPSO, hydroTSM, Interpol.T, ipred, ismev,
            labdsv*, latticeDensity, lme4, maptree, marked, MASS*, mclust, mda,
            mefa, metacom, mgcv*, mrds, nlme, nsRFA, oce, openair, ouch, party,
            pastecs, pgirmess, popbio, prabclus, primer, pscl, pvclust, qualV,
            quantreg, quantregGrowth, randomForest, Rcapture, rioja, RMark,
            RMAWGEN, rpart, rtop, seacarb, seas, secr, segmented, sensitivity,
            simba, simecol, siplab, soiltexture, SPACECAP, SpatialExtremes,
            StreamMetabolism, strucchange, surveillance, tiger, topmodel,
            tseries, unmarked, untb, vegan*, vegetarian, VGAM, wasim, zoo
            (* = core package)

ExperimentalDesign.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       ExperimentalDesign
Topic:      Design of Experiments (DoE) & Analysis of Experimental Data
Maintainer: Ulrike Groemping
Version:    2018-02-17

Packages:   acebayes, agricolae*, agridat, AlgDesign*, ALTopt, asd,
            BatchExperiments, BayesMAMS, bcrm, BHH2, binseqtest, bioOED,
            blocksdesign, blockTools, BOIN, BsMD, choiceDes, CombinS,
  *, crossdes*, Crossover, dae, daewr, designGG,
            designGLMM, designmatch, desirability, desplot, dfcomb, dfcrm,
            dfmta, dfpk, DiceDesign, DiceEval, DiceKriging, docopulae,
            DoE.base*, DoE.MIParray, DoE.wrapper*, DoseFinding, dynaTree,
            easypower, edesign, EngrExpt, experiment, ez, FMC, FrF2*,
            FrF2.catlg128, GAD, geospt, granova, GroupSeq, gsbDesign, gsDesign,
            gset, hiPOD, ibd, ICAOD, idefix, JMdesign, LDOD, lhs, MAMS, MaxPro,
            MBHdesign, minimalRSD, minimaxdesign, mixexp, mkssd, mxkssd, OBsMD,
            odr, OPDOE, optbdmaeAT, optDesignSlopeInt, OptGS, OptimalDesign,
            OptimaRegion, OptInterim, optrcdmaeAT, osDesign, PBIBD, PGM2,
            ph2bayes, ph2bye, pid,, plgp, PopED, powerAnalysis,
            powerbydesign, powerGWASinteraction, PwrGSD, qtlDesign,
            qualityTools, RcmdrPlugin.DoE, rodd, RPPairwiseDesign, rsm*,
            rsurface, SensoMineR, seqDesign, sFFLHD, simrel, skpr*, SLHD,
            soptdmaeA, sp23design, ssize.fdr, ssizeRNA, support.CEs, TEQR, tgp,
            ThreeArmedTrials, toxtestD, unrepx, vdg, Vdgraph, VdgRsm, VNM
            (* = core package)

ExtremeValue.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       ExtremeValue
Topic:      Extreme Value Analysis
Maintainer: Christophe Dutang, Kevin Jaunatre
Version:    2017-12-26

Packages:   copula, evd*, evdbayes, evir*, evmix, extremefit, extRemes,
            extremeStat, fExtremes, ismev, lmom, lmomco, lmomRFA, mev, POT,
            QRM, ReIns, Renext, revdbayes, RTDE, SpatialExtremes, texmex,
            threshr, VGAM
            (* = core package)

Finance.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Finance
Topic:      Empirical Finance
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Version:    2018-05-02

Packages:   actuar, AmericanCallOpt, backtest, bayesGARCH, BCC1997,
            BenfordTests, betategarch, bizdays, BLModel, BurStFin, BurStMisc,
            CADFtest, car, ccgarch, ChainLadder, copula, CreditMetrics,
            credule, crp.CSFP, cvar, data.table, derivmkts, dlm, Dowd, dse,
            DtD, dyn, dynlm, ESG, estudy2, factorstochvol, fame, fAssets*,
            FatTailsR, fBasics*, fBonds*, fCopulae*, fExoticOptions*,
            fExtremes*, fgac, fGarch*, fImport*, financial, FinancialMath,
            FinAsym, finreportr, fmdates, fMultivar*, fNonlinear*, fOptions*,
            forecast, fPortfolio*, fracdiff, fractal, FRAPO, fRegression*,
            frmqa, fTrading*, GCPM, GetHFData, gets, GetTDData, GEVStableGarch,
            ghyp, gmm, gogarch, GUIDE, highfrequency, IBrokers, InfoTrad,
            lgarch, lifecontingencies, lmtest, longmemo, LSMonteCarlo,
            maRketSim, markovchain, MarkowitzR, matchingMarkets, MSBVAR,
            MSGARCH, mvtnorm, NetworkRiskMeasures, nlme, NMOF, obAnalytics,
            OptHedging, OptionPricing, pa, parma, pbo, PerformanceAnalytics*,
            pinbasic, portfolio, PortfolioEffectHFT, PortfolioOptim,
            portfolioSim, PortRisk, quantmod, QuantTools, ragtop, Rbitcoin,
            Rblpapi, Rcmdr, RcppQuantuccia, reinsureR, restimizeapi, Risk,
            RiskPortfolios, riskSimul, RM2006, rmgarch, RND, rpatrec, rpgm,
            RQuantLib, rugarch*, rwt, sandwich, sde, SharpeR, sharpeRratio,
            Sim.DiffProc, SmithWilsonYieldCurve, stochvol, strucchange,
            TAQMNGR, tawny, termstrc, TFX, tidyquant, timeDate*, timeSeries*,
            timsac, tis, TSdbi, tsDyn, tseries*, tseriesChaos, tsfa, TTR, tvm,
            urca*, vars, VarSwapPrice, vrtest, wavelets, waveslim, wavethresh,
            XBRL, xts*, ycinterextra, YieldCurve, Zelig, zoo*
            (* = core package)

FunctionalData.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       FunctionalData
Topic:      Functional Data Analysis
Maintainer: Fabian Scheipl
Version:    2018-02-12

Packages:   classiFunc, covsep, dbstats, ddalpha, denseFLMM, fda*, fda.usc*,
            fdadensity, fdakma, fdapace*, fdaPDE, fdasrvf*, fdatest, FDboost*,
            fdcov, fds, flars, fpca, freqdom, freqdom.fda, ftsa*, ftsspec,
            Funclustering, funcy*, funData, funFEM, funHDDC, geofd, GPFDA,
            growfunctions, pcdpca, rainbow, refund*, refund.shiny, refund.wave,
            RFgroove, roahd, sparseFLMM, switchnpreg, warpMix
            (* = core package)

Genetics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Genetics
Topic:      Statistical Genetics
Maintainer: Giovanni Montana
Version:    2017-04-25

Packages:   adegenet, ape, Biodem, bqtl, dlmap, gap*, GenABEL, genetics*,
            hapassoc, haplo.ccs, haplo.stats*, HardyWeinberg, hierfstat, hwde,
            ibdreg, LDheatmap, luca, ouch, pbatR, phangorn, qtl, rmetasim,
            seqinr, snp.plotter, SNPmaxsel, stepwise, tdthap, untb, wgaim
            (* = core package)

gR.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       gR
Topic:      gRaphical Models in R
Maintainer: Soren Hojsgaard
Version:    2018-01-06

Packages:   abn, bayesmix, BDgraph, bnlearn, bnstruct, boa, BRugs, catnet,
            coda, dclone, deal, diagram, DiagrammeR, dynamicGraph, ergm,
            FBFsearch, GeneNet, ggm, giRaph, gRain, gRbase*, gRc, gRim, huge,
            igraph, lvnet, mathgraph, MXM, ndtv, network, networkDynamic,
            parcor, pcalg, QUIC, R2OpenBUGS, R2WinBUGS, rbugs, rjags, SIN
            (* = core package)

Graphics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Graphics
Topic:      Graphic Displays & Dynamic Graphics & Graphic Devices & Visualization
Maintainer: Nicholas Lewin-Koh
Version:    2015-01-07

Packages:   ade4, animation, ape, aplpack, ash, biclust, Cairo, cairoDevice,
            cba, colorspace, diagram, dichromat, gclus, ggplot2*, gplots,
            gridBase, hexbin, IDPmisc, igraph, iplots, JavaGD, klaR, lattice*,
            latticeExtra, misc3d, onion, playwith, plotrix*, RColorBrewer*,
            rggobi, rgl*, RGraphics, RGtk2, RSvgDevice, RSVGTipsDevice,
            scagnostics, scatterplot3d, seriation, tkrplot, vcd*, vioplot,
            (* = core package)

HighPerformanceComputing.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       HighPerformanceComputing
Topic:      High-Performance and Parallel Computing with R
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Version:    2018-05-07

Packages:   aprof, batch, BatchExperiments, BatchJobs, batchtools, bayesm, bcp,
            BDgraph, biglars, biglm, bigmemory, bnlearn, caret, clustermq,
            cudaBayesreg, data.table, dclone, doFuture, doMC, doMPI, doRedis,
            doRNG, doSNOW, drake, ff, ffbase, flowr, foreach, future,
            future.BatchJobs, GAMBoost, gcbd, gpuR, GUIProfiler, h2o,
            HadoopStreaming, harvestr, HistogramTools, inline, keras, LaF,
            latentnet, lga, Matching, MonetDB.R, nws, OpenCL, orloca, parSim,
            partDSA, pbapply, pbdBASE, pbdDEMO, pbdDMAT, pbdMPI, pbdNCDF4,
            pbdPROF, pbdSLAP, peperr, permGPU, pls, pmclust, profr, proftools,
            pvclust, randomForestSRC, Rborist, Rcpp, RcppParallel, Rdsm,
            reticulate, rgenoud, Rhpc, RhpcBLASctl, RInside, rJava, rlecuyer,
            Rmpi*, RProtoBuf, rredis, rslurm, Sim.DiffProc, sitmo, snow*,
            snowfall, snowFT, speedglm, sqldf, ssgraph, STAR, tensorflow,
            tfestimators, tm, toaster, varSelRF, xgboost
            (* = core package)

MachineLearning.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       MachineLearning
Topic:      Machine Learning & Statistical Learning
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn
Version:    2018-04-27

Packages:   ahaz, arules, BART, bartMachine, BayesTree, biglasso, bigRR, bmrm,
            Boruta, bst, C50, caret, CORElearn, CoxBoost, Cubist, deepnet,
            e1071*, earth, effects, elasticnet, ElemStatLearn, evclass, evtree,
            FCNN4R, frbs, GAMBoost, gamboostLSS, gbm*, ggRandomForests, glmnet,
            glmpath, GMMBoost, gradDescent, grf, grplasso, grpreg, h2o, hda,
            hdi, hdm, ICEbox, ipred, kernlab*, klaR, lars, lasso2, LiblineaR,
            LogicForest, LogicReg, LTRCtrees, maptree, mboost*, mlr, model4you,
            MXM, ncvreg, nnet*, oem, OneR, opusminer, pamr, party, partykit,
            pdp, penalized, penalizedLDA, penalizedSVM, plotmo, quantregForest,
            randomForest*, randomForestSRC, ranger, rattle, Rborist, RcppDL,
            rda, rdetools, REEMtree, relaxo, rgenoud, RLT, Rmalschains, rminer,
            rnn, ROCR, RoughSets, rpart*, RPMM, RSNNS, RWeka, RXshrink, sda,
            SIS, spa, stabs, SuperLearner, svmpath, tensorflow, tgp, tree,
            trtf, varSelRF, vcrpart, wsrf, xgboost
            (* = core package)

MedicalImaging.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       MedicalImaging
Topic:      Medical Image Analysis
Maintainer: Brandon Whitcher
Version:    2018-01-24

Packages:   adaptsmoFMRI, adimpro*, AnalyzeFMRI*, arf3DS4*, bayesImageS,
            bayesm, brainR, brainwaver, cudaBayesreg, DATforDCEMRI*, dcemriS4*,
            divest*, dpmixsim*, dti*, edfReader*, eegkit*, fmri*, fslr,
            gdimap*, mmand*, Morpho*, mritc*, neuroim*, neuRosim*, occ*,
            oro.dicom*, oro.nifti*, PET, PTAk, RNifti*, RNiftyReg*, Rvcg*,
            tractor.base*, waveslim
            (* = core package)

MetaAnalysis.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       MetaAnalysis
Topic:      Meta-Analysis
Maintainer: Michael Dewey
Version:    2018-05-10

Packages:   aggregation, altmeta, bamdit, bayesmeta, bmeta, bspmma, CAMAN,
            CIAAWconsensus, clubSandwich,, ConfoundedMeta,
            CopulaREMADA, CPBayes, CRTSize, diagmeta, dosresmeta, ecoreg,
            effsize, epiR, esc, etma, exactmeta, extfunnel, forestmodel,
            forestplot, gap, gemtc, getmstatistic, gmeta, hetmeta, ipdmeta,
            joineRmeta, joint.Cox, MAc, MAd, mada, MAVIS,
            MendelianRandomization, meta*, meta4diag, MetaAnalyser, MetABEL,
            metaBMA, metacart, metacor, metafor*, metaforest, metafuse,
            metagear, metagen, metagen, MetaIntegrator, metaLik, metaMA,
            metamisc, metansue, metap, MetaPath, MetaPCA, metaplotr, metaplus,
            MetaQC, metaRNASeq, metaSEM, metasens, MetaSKAT, metatest,
            Metatron, metavcov, metaviz, mmeta, MultiMeta, mvmeta, mvtmeta,
            netmeta, nmaINLA, nmathresh, pcnetmeta, pimeta, psychmeta,
            psychometric, PubBias, RandMeta, ratesci, RBesT, RcmdrPlugin.EZR,
            RcmdrPlugin.RMTCJags, revtools, rma.exact, rmeta, robumeta,
            SAMURAI, SCMA, selectMeta, seqMeta, surrosurv, TFisher, weightr,
            (* = core package)

ModelDeployment.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       ModelDeployment
Topic:      Model Deployment with R
Maintainer: Yuan Tang
Version:    2018-05-01

Packages:   arules, arulesCBA, arulesSequences, aurelius, AzureML, dbplyr,
            domino, dplyr, FastRWeb, h2o, httpuv, ibmdbR, jug, keras, mleap,
            onnx, opencpu, plumber, pmml, pmmlTransformations, rattle,
            reticulate, RSclient, Rserve, rsparkling, sparklyr, tensorflow,
            tfestimators, tidypredict, xgboost, yhatr
Multivariate.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Multivariate
Topic:      Multivariate Statistics
Maintainer: Paul Hewson
Version:    2018-02-12

Packages:   abind, ade4*, amap, aplpack, ash, bayesm, ca, calibrate, car,
            caret, class, clue, cluster*, clusterGeneration, clusterSim,
            clustvarsel, clv, cocorresp, concor, copula, corpcor, covRobust,
            cramer, cwhmisc, delt, denpro, desirability, dr, e1071, earth,
            ellipse, energy, eRm, FactoMineR, fastICA, feature, fgac, fpc, fso,
            gclus, GenKern, geometry, geozoo, gmodels, GPArotation, hddplot,
            Hmisc, homals, hybridHclust, ICS, ICSNP, iplots, JADE, kernlab,
            KernSmooth, kknn, klaR, knncat, kohonen, ks, lattice, ltm, mAr,
            MASS*, Matrix, matrixcalc, mclust, MCMCpack, mda, mice, misc3d,
            mitools, mix, mnormt, MNP, monomvn, mvnmle, mvnormtest, mvoutlier,
            mvtnorm, nFactors, pan, paran, party, pcaPP, PearsonICA, pls,
            plsgenomics, poLCA, polycor, ppls, prim, proxy, psy, PTAk, rda,
            relaimpo, rggobi, rgl, robustbase, ROCR, rpart, rrcov,
            scatterplot3d, sem, SensoMineR, seriation, simba, smatr, sn, spam,
            SparseM, SpatialNP, superpc, trimcluster, tsfa, vcd, vegan*, VGAM,
            VIM, xgobi, YaleToolkit
            (* = core package)

NaturalLanguageProcessing.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       NaturalLanguageProcessing
Topic:      Natural Language Processing
Maintainer: Fridolin Wild, Performance Augmentation Lab (PAL, Department of Computing and Communications Technologies, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Version:    2017-11-29

Packages:   alineR, boilerpipeR, corpora, gsubfn, gutenbergr, hunspell,
            kernlab, KoNLP, koRpus, languageR, lda, lsa, maxent, monkeylearn,
            movMF, mscstexta4r, mscsweblm4r, openNLP, ore, phonics, phonics,
            qdap, quanteda, RcmdrPlugin.temis, rel, RKEA, RTextTools, RWeka,
            skmeans, SnowballC, stm, stringdist, stringi, tau, tesseract,
            text2vec, textcat, textir, textrank, textreuse, tidytext, tm*,
            tm.plugin.alceste, tm.plugin.dc, tm.plugin.europresse,
            tm.plugin.factiva, tm.plugin.lexisnexis, tm.plugin.mail,
            tm.plugin.webmining, tokenizers, topicmodels, udpipe, wordcloud,
            wordnet, zipfR
            (* = core package)

NumericalMathematics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       NumericalMathematics
Topic:      Numerical Mathematics
Maintainer: Hans W. Borchers
Version:    2018-04-26

Packages:   ADPF, akima, appell, arrangements, BB, Bessel, bigIntegerAlgos,
            Brobdingnag, combinat, conicfit, contfrac, cubature, Deriv*,
            eigeninv, elliptic, expint, expm, fastGHQuad, feather, features,
            findpython, FixedPoint, fourierin, gaussquad, geigen, gmp, gsl,
            hypergeo, interp, irlba, JuliaCall, ktsolve, lamW, logOfGamma,
            magic, MASS, matlab, Matrix*, matrixcalc, MonoPoly, mpoly,
            multipol, mvQuad, nleqslv, numbers, numDeriv*, onion, optR,
            orthopolynom, Pade, partitions, permutations, polyCub, polynom*,
            PolynomF, pracma*, PRIMME, PythonInR, QZ, R.matlab, R2Cuba,
            rARPACK, Rcpp, RcppAlgos, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, reticulate,
            Rlinsolve, Rmpfr, rmumps, RootsExtremaInflections, rPython, Rserve,
            RSpectra, rSymPy, Ryacas, schumaker, signal, SimplicialCubature,
            SnakeCharmR, SolveLS, SparseGrid, SparseM, SphericalCubature, ssvd,
            statmod, stinepack, svd, tripack, VeryLargeIntegers, XR, XRJulia,
            XRPython, Zseq
            (* = core package)

OfficialStatistics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       OfficialStatistics
Topic:      Official Statistics & Survey Methodology
Maintainer: Matthias Templ
Version:    2018-04-20

Packages:   acs, Amelia, BalancedSampling, BIFIEsurvey, CalibrateSSB, cat,
            cbsodataR, censusapi, CoImp, convey, deducorrect, DHS.rates,
            easySdcTable, editrules, errorlocate, eurostat, extremevalues, FFD,
            foreign, Frames2, GeomComb, gridsample, haven, hbsae, Hmisc, IC2,
            icarus, inegiR, ineq, JoSAE, laeken, lavaan, lavaan.survey, lme4,
            mapStats, MatchIt, MBHdesign, memisc, mi, mice, micEconIndex,
            MicSim, MImix, mipfp, missForest, missMDA, mitools, mix, nlme,
            norm, OECD, pan, panelaggregation, pps, PracTools, prevR, pxR,
            quantification, questionr, RcmdrPlugin.sampling, RecordLinkage,
            reweight, Rilostat, robCompositions, rpms, rrcov3way, rrcovNA,
            RRTCS, rsae, rspa, rworldmap, saeSim, samplesize4surveys, sampling,
            samplingbook, SamplingStrata, samplingVarEst, SAScii, SDaA,
            sdcMicro, sdcTable, seasonal, SeleMix, simFrame, simPop,
            simputation, sms, sorvi, spsurvey, srvyr, StatMatch,
            stratification, stringdist, survey*, surveybootstrap, surveydata,
            surveyoutliers, surveyplanning, svyPVpack, synthpop, tabplot,
            TeachingSampling, tmap, treemap, univOutl, validate, validatetools,
            vardpoor, VIM, x12, x12GUI, XBRL, yaImpute
            (* = core package)

Optimization.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Optimization
Topic:      Optimization and Mathematical Programming
Maintainer: Stefan Theussl 
  and Hans W. Borchers
Version:    2018-05-07

Packages:   ABCoptim, adagio, alabama*, BB, boot, bvls, cccp, cec2005benchmark,
            cec2013, CEoptim, clpAPI, CLSOCP, clue, cmaes, cmaesr, colf,
            coneproj, copulaedas, cplexAPI, crs, CVXR, dclone, DEoptim*,
            DEoptimR, desirability, dfoptim*, Dykstra, ECOSolveR, ecr, flacco,
            GA, genalg, GenSA, globalOptTests, glpkAPI, goalprog,
            GrassmannOptim, gsl, hydroPSO, igraph, irace, isotone, kernlab,
            kofnGA, lbfgs, lbfgsb3, limSolve, linprog, localsolver, LowRankQP,
            lpSolve, lpSolveAPI, lsei, ManifoldOptim, matchingMarkets,
            matchingR, maxLik, mcga, mco, metaheuristicOpt, minpack.lm, minqa,
            mize, mknapsack, mlrMBO, n1qn1, neldermead, NlcOptim, nleqslv,
            nlmrt, nloptr, nls2, nlsr, NMOF, nnls, ompr, onls, optimr,
            optimsimplex, optimx, optmatch, parma, powell, pso, psoptim, qap,
            quadprog*, quadprogXT, quantreg, rcdd, RCEIM, Rcgmin, rCMA, Rcplex,
            RcppDE, RcppNumerical, Rcsdp, Rdsdp, rgenoud, Rglpk, rLindo,
            Rmalschains, Rmosek, rneos, ROI, ROI.plugin.qpoases, rosqp, Rsolnp,
            Rsymphony, Rtnmin, Rvmmin, SACOBRA, scs, sdpt3r, smoof, sna, soma,
            subplex, tabuSearch, trust, trustOptim, TSP, ucminf*
            (* = core package)

Pharmacokinetics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Pharmacokinetics
Topic:      Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Data
Maintainer: Bill Denney
Version:    2018-05-04

Packages:   cpk, dfpk, mrgsolve, ncar, nmw, NonCompart, PK, PKgraph,
            PKPDmodels, pkr, PKreport, RxODE, scaRabee
Phylogenetics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Phylogenetics
Topic:      Phylogenetics, Especially Comparative Methods
Maintainer: Brian O'Meara
Version:    2018-02-21

Packages:   adephylo, adhoc, ape*, apTreeshape, BAMMtools, bayou, betapart,
            BioGeoBEARS, caper, cati, convevol, corHMM, DAMOCLES, DDD,
            dendextend, distory, diversitree, evobiR, expands, expoTree,
            geiger, geomorph, ggplot2, GUniFrac, HMPTrees, HyPhy, idendr0, ips,
            iteRates, jaatha, kdetrees, markophylo, MCMCglmm, metafor, MPSEM,
            mvMORPH, nLTT, ouch, outbreaker, OutbreakTools, OUwie, paleotree,
            paleoTS, pastis, PBD, PCPS, pegas, phangorn, phyclust, phyext2,
            phylobase, phylocanvas, phyloclim, PHYLOGR, phyloland, phylolm,
            phylotools, phyloTop, phytools, pmc, RADami, rdryad, rmetasim,
            rncl, RNeXML, rotl, rphast, Rphylip, SigTree, strap, surface,
            SYNCSA, taxize, TESS, treebase, TreePar, treeplyr, TreeSim, vegan
            (* = core package)

Psychometrics.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Psychometrics
Topic:      Psychometric Models and Methods
Maintainer: Patrick Mair
Version:    2018-02-28

Packages:   ade4*, anacor*, AnalyzeFMRI, aspect, BayesFM, BayesLCA, betareg,
            BigSEM, BiplotGUI, birtr, blavaan*, bpca, BradleyTerry2, BTLLasso,
            ca*, cabootcrs, cacIRT, catR, CAvariants, CDM, cds, cIRT, classify,
            ClustVarLV, CMC, cncaGUI, cocor, cocorresp, cocron, CopyDetect,
            covLCA, ctsem, CTT*, CTTShiny, DAKS, dexter, DFIT, DIFlasso,
            difNLR, difR, DistatisR, dualScale, e1071, eba, ecodist, edstan,
            eegkit, EFAutilities, elasticnet, emIRT, equate, equateIRT, eRm*,
            esaBcv, EstCRM, ExPosition, FactoMineR, faoutlier, fastICA,
            fechner, flexmix, fourPNO, fwdmsa, GDINA, GPArotation, gSEM,
            gtheory, homals*, ica, ICC, immer, influence.SEM, irr, irtDemo,
            irtoys, IRTpp, irtProb, irtrees, IRTShiny, kcirt, kequate,
            KernSmoothIRT, kst, labdsv, latdiag, lava, lava.tobit, lavaan*,
            lavaan.survey, lba, LCAvarsel, lcda, lme4*, LNIRT, lordif, lsl,
            ltbayes, ltm*, LVMMCOR, MASS, MBESS, MCAvariants, mcIRT, MCMCglmm,
            MCMCpack, medflex, mediation, metaSEM, MIIVsem, mirt*, mirtCAT,
            missMDA, mixRasch, MLCIRTwithin, MLCM, MLDS, modelfree, mokken*,
            MplusAutomation, mpt, MPTinR, mRm, MultiLCIRT, multiplex, multiway,
            munfold, nFactors, nlme, nlsem, nsprcomp, OpenMx, optiscale,
            ordinal, pairwise, paran, pathmox, pcaPP, pcIRT, piecewiseSEM, pks,
            PLmixed, plotSEMM, plRasch, pls, plspm, poLCA, polycor, PP,
            prefmod*, profileR, pscl, psy*, psych*, psychometric, psychomix,
            psychotools, psychotree*, psyphy, PTAk, pwrRasch, qgraph,
            QuantPsyc, quickpsy, randomLCA, RaschSampler, regsem, REQS, rpf,
            rsem, sem*, semdiag, semGOF, SEMID, SEMModComp, semPlot, semPLS,
            semTools, semtree, SensoMineR, ShinyItemAnalysis, Sim.DiffProc,
            simsem, sirt, smacof*, smds, SNSequate,, SOD,
            SparseFactorAnalysis, sparseSEM, subscore, superMDS, systemfit,
            TAM*, TestDataImputation, TestScorer, ThreeWay, TripleR, vegan*,
            VGAM, wCorr, WrightMap, xgobi, xxIRT
            (* = core package)

ReproducibleResearch.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       ReproducibleResearch
Topic:      Reproducible Research
Maintainer: Max Kuhn
Version:    2018-04-18

Packages:   animation, apaStyle, apsrtable, archivist, ascii, bibtex, brew,
            checkpoint, DT, exams, formatR, formattable, highlight, highr,
            Hmisc*, htmlTable, htmltools, HTMLUtils, humanFormat, hwriter,
            kfigr, knitcitations, knitLatex, knitr*, latex2exp, lazyWeave,
            lubridate, markdown, memisc, miniCRAN, NMOF, packrat, pander,
            papeR, prettyunits, quantreg, R.cache, R.rsp, R2HTML*, R2PPT, R2wd,
            rapport, rbundler, RefManageR, ReporteRs, reporttools, resumer,
            rmarkdown, rms*, rprintf, rtf, SortableHTMLTables, sparktex,
            stargazer, suRtex, SweaveListingUtils, tables, TeachingSampling,
            texreg, tikzDevice, tth, tufterhandout, xtable*, ztable
            (* = core package)

Robust.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Robust
Topic:      Robust Statistical Methods
Maintainer: Martin Maechler
Version:    2016-08-29

Packages:   covRobust, coxrobust, distr, drgee, FRB, georob, GSE, lqmm, MASS*,
            mblm, multinomRob, mvoutlier, OutlierDC, OutlierDM, quantreg,
            RandVar, rgam, roahd, RobAStBase, robcor, robeth, robfilter,
            RobLox, RobLoxBioC, RobPer, RobRex, RobRSVD, robumeta, robust*,
            RobustAFT, robustbase*, robustDA, robustgam, robustlmm,
            robustloggamma, robustreg, robustX, ROptEst, ROptRegTS, rorutadis,
            rrcov*, rrcovHD, rrcovNA, rsig, RSKC, sandwich, ssmrob, TEEReg,
            wle, WRS2
            (* = core package)

SocialSciences.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       SocialSciences
Topic:      Statistics for the Social Sciences
Maintainer: John Fox
Version:    2018-05-08

Packages:   acepack, Amelia, aod, arm, betareg, biglm, BMA, boot*, bootstrap,
            brglm, car*, catspec, class, demography, dispmod, dr, effects*,
            elrm, ergm, exactLoglinTest, gam*, gee, geepack, gmodels, gnm, gss,
            Hmisc*, influence.ME, latentnet, leaps, lme4*, lmeSplines, lmm,
            lmtest*, locfit, logistf, logmult, lsmeans*, MASS*, Matching,
            MatchIt, MCMCglmm*, mgcv*, mi*, mice*, mitools, mix, mlogit, MNP,
            multcomp*, multgee, multinomRob, multiplex, mvnmle, network, nlme*,
            nlstools, nnet*, norm, np, optmatch, PAFit, pan, perturb,
            PSAgraphics, pscl, quantreg*, qvcalc, rms*, RSiena, sandwich*,
            simpleboot, sm, sna, spatial, statnet, survey*, survival*, vcd,
            VGAM*, VIM, visreg, Zelig
            (* = core package)

Spatial.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Spatial
Topic:      Analysis of Spatial Data
Maintainer: Roger Bivand
Version:    2018-04-11

Packages:   ade4, adehabitatHR, adehabitatHS, adehabitatLT, adehabitatMA, ads,
            akima, AMOEBA, ash, aspace, automap, CARBayes, cartography,
            classInt*, cleangeo, CompRandFld, constrainedKriging, cshapes,
            dbmss, DCluster*, deldir*, diseasemapping, DSpat, ecespa,
            ExceedanceTools, fields, FieldSim, FRK, gdalUtils, gdistance, gear,
            geoaxe, geojson, geojsonio, GEOmap, geomapdata, geonames, geoR*,
            geoRglm, georob, geospacom, geosphere, geospt, geostatsp, ggmap,
            ggsn, glmmBUGS, gmt, Grid2Polygons, GriegSmith, gstat*, Guerry,
            GWmodel, gwrr, hdeco, HSAR, igraph, intamap, ipdw, landsat,
            latticeDensity, lawn, lctools, leafletR, magclass, mapdata,
            mapmisc, mapproj, maps, maptools*, mapview, marmap, MBA, McSpatial,
            micromap, ModelMap, ncdf4, ncf, ngspatial, nlme, OasisR,
            OpenStreetMap, osmar, pastecs, PBSmapping, PBSmodelling,
            plotGoogleMaps, plotKML, postGIStools, PReMiuM, ProbitSpatial,
            quickmapr, ramps, RandomFields*, rangeMapper, RArcInfo, raster*,
            rasterVis, RColorBrewer*, recmap, regress, rgbif, rgdal*, rgeos*,
            RgoogleMaps, rgrass7, RNetCDF, rpostgis, RPyGeo, RQGIS, RSAGA,
            RSurvey, rtop, rworldmap, rworldxtra, S2sls, seg, sf*, sgeostat,
            shapefiles, shp2graph, siplab, smacpod, smerc, sp*, spacetime*,
            spacom, spaMM, spanel, sparr, spatgraphs, spatial,,
            spatialCovariance, SpatialEpi, SpatialExtremes, SpatialPosition,
            spatialprobit, spatialsegregation, SpatialTools, spatstat*,
            spatsurv, spBayes, spBayesSurv, spcosa, spdep*, sperrorest,
            spgrass6, spgwr, sphet, spind, splancs*, splm, spm, spmoran,
            spsann, spselect, spsurvey, spTimer, SSN, starma, statebins, Stem,
            stplanr, taRifx, tgp, tmap, trip, tripack, tripEstimation,
            UScensus2000cdp, UScensus2000tract, vardiag, vec2dtransf, vegan,
            Watersheds, wkb
            (* = core package)

SpatioTemporal.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       SpatioTemporal
Topic:      Handling and Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Data
Maintainer: Edzer Pebesma
Version:    2018-04-20

Packages:   adehabitatLT*, animalTrack, argosfilter, BayesianAnimalTracker,
            BBMM, bcpa, CARBayesST, crawl, cshapes, ctmcmove, ctmm, diveMove,
            fishmove, FLightR, gapfill, GeoLight, googleVis, gstat*, lgcp,
            lme4, M3, mkde, move, moveHMM, mvtsplot, ncdf4, nlme, openair,
            pastecs, pbdNCDF4, plm, plotKML, RandomFields*, raster*, rasterVis,
            rgl, rmatio, RNetCDF, rsatscan, sf, sigloc, SimilarityMeasures,
            smam, solaR, sp*, spacetime*, spate, SpatioTemporal, spatstat,
            spBayes, sphet, splancs, splm, spTimer, stam, Stem, STMedianPolish,
            stppResid, surveillance*, trackeR, TrackReconstruction, trip*,
            tripEstimation, VTrack, wildlifeDI, xts*
            (* = core package)

Survival.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       Survival
Topic:      Survival Analysis
Maintainer: Arthur Allignol and Aurelien Latouche
Version:    2018-05-04

Packages:   AdapEnetClass, addhazard, AER, aftgee, ahaz, AHR, AIM, APtools,
            asaur, asbio, aster, aster2, BaSTA, BayesPiecewiseICAR, bayesSurv,
            BayHaz, BGPhazard, Biograph, BMA, bnnSurvival, boot, bpcp,
            bshazard, bujar, casebase, censReg, CFC, clinfun, cmprsk*,
            cmprskQR, coarseDataTools, coin, compareC, compeir, compound.Cox,
            concreg, condGEE, condSURV, controlTest, CoxBoost, coxinterval,
            coxme, coxphf, coxphw, CoxRidge, coxrobust, coxsei, CPE, CPHshape,
            Cprob, CR, crrp, crrSC, crrstep, crskdiag, currentSurvival,
            Cyclops, DAAG, dblcens, discSurv, DPpackage, DStree, DTDA,
            dynamichazard, dynfrail, dynpred, dynsurv, eha*, ELYP, emplik,
            emplik2, Epi, epiR, etm, exactRankTests, FamEvent, fastcox,
            fastpseudo, FHtest, fitdistrplus, flexPM, flexrsurv, flexsurv,
            frailtyEM, frailtyHL, frailtypack, frailtySurv, gamboostMSM,
            gamlss.cens, gbm, gcerisk, gems, genSurv, glmnet, glmpath,
            globalboosttest, glrt, gof, GORCure, gss, GSSE, gte, hdnom,
            ICBayes, ICE, icenReg, ICGOR, icRSF, ICsurv, IDPSurvival, imputeYn,
            InformativeCensoring, intccr, intercure, interval, invGauss,
            ipdmeta, ipred, isoph, jackknifeKME, JM, JMbayes, joineR, joineRML,
            joint.Cox, JointModel, JPSurv, kaps,, kmconfband, kmi,
            KMsurv, landest, lava.tobit, lbiassurv, LearnBayes, LexisPlotR,
            lmec, locfit, logconcens, LogicReg, LogrankA, logspline, lpc,
            lsmeans, lss, LTRCtrees, MAMSE, maxstat, mboost, MCMCglmm,
            MCMCpack, mets, mexhaz, mfp, miCoPTCM, MicSim, MIICD, mixAK,
            mixPHM, MLEcens, MRsurv, msm, msmtools, msSurv, MST, mstate*,
            muhaz*, multcomp, multipleNCC, mvna, NADA, NestedCohort, NPHMC,
            NPMLEcmprsk, npsurv, OIsurv, OrdFacReg, OutlierDC, p3state.msm,
            paf, pamr, parfm, parfm, party, pch, pec, penalized, PenCoxFrail,
            penMSM, peperr, PermAlgo, PHeval, phmm, plac, polspline, popEpi,
            powerSurvEpi, PReMiuM, prodlim, psbcGroup, pseudo, quantreg,
            randomForestSRC, ranger, rankhazard, reda, relsurv, reReg, rhosp,
            riskRegression, risksetROC, rms*, RobustAFT, ROCt, rpart, rsig,
            rstpm2, saws, SemiCompRisks, SemiMarkov, SGL, simexaft, SimHaz,
            simMSM, simPH, SimSCRPiecewise, simsurv, smcure, SMIR,
            SmoothHazard, smoothHR, smoothSurv, SMPracticals, spatstat,
            spatsurv, spBayesSurv, SSRMST, superpc, surv2sampleComp,
            survAccuracyMeasures, survAUC, survC1, SurvCorr,,
            survey, Survgini, survIDINRI, survival*, survivalMPL, survivalROC,
            survJamda, SurvLong, survminer, survMisc, survPresmooth, SurvRank,
            SurvRegCensCov, survRM2, survsim, survSNP, SvyNom, TBSSurvival,
            tdROC, thregI, timereg*, timeROC, tlmec, TP.idm, TPmsm, tpr,
            TraMineR, TransModel, tranSurv, TSHRC, uniah, uniCox, VGAM,
            vitality, YPmodel
            (* = core package)

TimeSeries.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       TimeSeries
Topic:      Time Series Analysis
Maintainer: Rob J Hyndman
Version:    2018-04-15

Packages:   acp, AER, ArDec, arfima, astsa, autovarCore, BAYSTAR, bentcableAR,
            BETS, bfast, bigtime, BigVAR, BNPTSclust, boot, BootPR, brainwaver,
            bspec, bsts, CADFtest, carfima, carx, cents, changepoint, chron,
            cointReg, CommonTrend, costat, cts, dataseries, dCovTS, depmix,
            depmixS4, deseasonalize, dLagM, dlm, dlmodeler, dlnm, dse, dtw,
            dtwclust, dygraphs, dyn, dynlm, dynr, earlywarnings, Ecdat, ecm,
            ecp, EMD, ensembleBMA, EvalEst, events, expsmooth, factorstochvol,
            fame, fanplot, FeedbackTS, fGarch, FGN, FitAR, FitARMA, fma,
            fNonlinear, ForeCA, forecast*, ForecastComb, forecastHybrid,
            forecTheta, fpp, fpp2, fracdiff, fractal, fractalrock, freqdom,
            freqdom.fda, fts, ftsa, funtimes, GAS, gdpc, ggseas, glarma, GMDH,
            gsarima, gtop, HarmonicRegression, hht, hts, hwwntest, imputeTS,
            influxdbr, InspectChangepoint, itsmr, jmotif, KFAS, KFKSDS, kza,
            locits, lomb, LPStimeSeries, LSTS, ltsa, lubridate, mafs, MAPA,
            mAr, MAR1, mar1s, MARSS, mclcar, Mcomp, meboot, mFilter, mlVAR,
            mondate, MSBVAR, MSwM, MTS, mtsdi, MultipleBubbles, multitaper,
            mvcwt, nardl, nets, nlts, nnfor, nonlinearTseries, npst, odpc,
            opera, orderedLasso, paleoTS, partsm, pastecs, PCA4TS, pcdpca, pdc,
            pdfetch, pear, perARMA, pomp, portes, prophet, psd, PSF, ptw,
            Quandl, quantspec, rbcb, rdatamarket, RGENERATE, Rlibeemd, rmaf,
            RMAWGEN, robets, robfilter, robustarima, roll, RSEIS, Rssa, rts,
            rucrdtw, rugarch, rwt, sae2, scoringRules, SDD, sde, seas, season,
            seasonal, seasonalview, Sim.DiffProc, sleekts, smooth, sparsevar,
            spectral, spectral.methods, spTimer, stlplus, stochvol, stR,
            strucchange, stsm, stsm.class, surveillance, svars, sweep, Tcomp,
            TED, tempdisagg, tframe, thief, tibbletime, Tides, tiger, timeDate,
            TimeProjection, timesboot, timeSeries, timetk, timsac, tis, tpr,
            trend, TSA, tsbugs, TSclust, tscount, TSdbi, tsdecomp, tsdisagg2,
            TSdist, tsDyn, tseries*, tseriesChaos, tseriesEntropy, tsfa,
            tsfknn, tsibble, tsintermittent, TSMining, tsModel, tsoutliers,
            tsPI, TSrepr, TSstudio, TSTutorial, tswge, urca, uroot, VAR.etp,
            vars, VARsignR, Wats, WaveletComp, wavelets, waveslim, wavethresh,
            WeightedPortTest, wktmo, wmtsa, x12, x12GUI, x13binary, xts, yuima,
            ZIM, zoo*, ZRA
            (* = core package)

WebTechnologies.ctv :

CRAN Task View
Name:       WebTechnologies
Topic:      Web Technologies and Services
Maintainer: Thomas Leeper, Scott Chamberlain, Patrick Mair, Karthik Ram, Christopher Gandrud
Version:    2018-05-10

Packages:   abbyyR, aRxiv, aws.signature, AzureML, backblazer, bigml,
            bigrquery, boilerpipeR, boxr, captr, clarifai, curl, cymruservices,
            d3Network, datamart, dataone, datarobot, ddeploy, discgolf,
            downloader, dvn, europepmc, factualR, FastRWeb, fbRads, fiery,
            fitbitScraper, GAR, genderizeR, geoparser, ggmap, ggvis, gistr,
            git2r, gitlabr, gmailr, googleAnalyticsR, googleCloudStorageR,
            googlesheets, googleVis, graphTweets, gsheet, gtrendsR, htmltab,
            httpcache, httping, httpRequest, httpuv, httr*, imguR, instaR, jqr,
            jSonarR, jsonlite*, jsonvalidate, jug, leafletR, livechatR,
            longurl, lucr, magrittr, mailR, mime, mscstexta4r, mscsweblm4r,
            MTurkR, oai, OAIHarvester, openadds, opencage, opencpu, osi, osmar,
            osmplotr, osrm, pdftables, placement, plotGoogleMaps, plotKML,
            plumber, plusser, pubmed.mineR, pushoverr, RAdwords, randNames,
            rapport, Rbitcoin, rbitcoinchartsapi, Rblpapi, RCurl*, RDataCanvas,
            rdatacite, redcapAPI, RefManageR, repmis, request, restimizeapi,
            Rexperigen, Rfacebook, rfigshare, RForcecom, RGA, rgeolocate,
            RGoogleFit, RgoogleMaps, rio, rjson, RJSONIO, rLTP, RMixpanel,
            ROAuth, Rook, ROpenFIGI, ROpenWeatherMap, rorcid, rosetteApi,
            rplos, RPushbullet, rrefine, RSclient, rsdmx, Rserve,
            RSiteCatalyst, RSmartlyIO, RStripe, rvest, RYandexTranslate,
            RZabbix, scholar, scrapeR, searchConsoleR, sendmailR, servr,
            shiny*, shopifyr, slackr, SocialMediaMineR, soql, streamR,
            telegram, threewords, tm.plugin.webmining, transcribeR, translate,
            translateR, tumblR, tweet2r, twitteR, uaparserjs, urlshorteneR,
            urltools, V8, W3CMarkupValidator, webreadr, webshot, webutils,
            whisker, WikidataR, wikipediatrend, WikipediR, WikiSocio, WufooR,
            XML*, xml2, XML2R, yhatr, yummlyr, zendeskR
            (* = core package)
