Implentation of TCP handshakes from ethernet frames.
The original idea for this project was to implement a simple toy web server as inspired by this, however, things got away from me and it became something much more than just a HTTP server.
The ultimate goal is still to have this stack ping or on port 80 (so no SSL). See To be implemented for a list of things that still need to be implemented for this to happen.
- Implementation of IEEE 802.3 ethernet frame parsing
- IPv4
- TCP SYN-SYN/ACK handshake
Setup a Linux TAP device to access L2 data. Bring up the TAP device like so:
# largely taken from this post:
ip addr show # my eth0 inet address is as Im running on a VirtualBox vm with Ubuntu 18.04 guest
sudo ip tuntap add mode tap dev tun0 # make sure the mode is tap and not tun!
sudo ip addr add dev tun0 # give it an address (that does not conflict with existing IP)
sudo ip link set dev tun0 up # bring the if up
ip route get # check that packets to 10.0.3.x are going through tun0
# dev tun0 src uid 1000
ping # leave this running in another shell to be able to see the effect of the next example, nobody is responding to the ping
The compiled binary is /bin/main
Check src/main.c
for segmented tests.
Replace <tuntap IF name>
with your IF name (tun0, tap0, etc)
sudo bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/<tuntap IF name>/arp_accept'
See: &
tcpdump -i <tun/tap name> <specify protocol, leave empty for everything> -v
With the above running, go to another terminal and run your command.
- Full TCP RFC
- Sockets API
- Some sort of HTTP client (ex: a simple
like tool that can send GET requests) - currently not planning to implement POST and the other HTTP requests.
- Main inspiration & significant parts of the implementation from saminiir's Level-IP.
- General context for the network stack / OSI model from RFC 1180 & TCP-IP Model article.
- Some other general context resources:
- Specifics for each function in and each individual source & header files.