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Introduction (mongo-utils)

This module is aimed to help resolve complex queries and tasks against MongoDB.

What can I do with this utility?

  • Add new fields or change existing fields and values inside MongoDB collections in bulk
  • Perform complex queries to meet and match lists inside of each document
  • Evaluate the query plan before performing the real update to the database

Read more: node-mongodb-native



This release is considered to be in minor alpha, therefore should be considered to be used with caution, adhering to proper guidelines included in the documentation of this Pull Request. Please read the "Known issues" list below before proceeding.

Known issues 💥

  • Path (<Array|List>) does not currently support multiple paths in list.
  • Data (<Object>) members must preexist in full (key and value), if referred to using symbolic values with the $$ identifiers.
  • Data (<Object>) internal methods >>RANDOM does not currently support randomized values per document iterative update. This is a bug due to the nature of MongoDB arrayFilters in conjunction with indexed $ identifiers. (RESOLVED)


migrate This utility attempts to improve how we interact with this interface for field migration specific operations, and improve otherwise unwanted behaviors as a result of a synchronous call-chain for some database specific operations.


The implementation of this utility, attempts to eliminate some of the error-prone states that the database may create, as a result of simultaneous execution of multiple operations.

  1. Queue operations

    • All operations are processed using a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) sequence.
    • Operations are processed in batches, limited by a configurable threshold.
    • Operations are processed only when I/O-wait is non-saturated.
    • Erroneous exceptions will guarantee to remove any pending operations.
  2. Database operations

    • Data is written to the collection using a server-side bulkWrite execution.
    • All bulkWrite tasks are intercepted as asynchronous actions.
    • Query planner is used for non-writable operations ( <options>.writeMode)

Feature list

As of this release, the features below are available.



  • Adding new fields and values to all documents in a collection.
  • Adding new fields and values to all documents in a sub-collection or list.
  • Updating existing fields and values in all documents in a collection.
  • Updating existing fields and values in all documents in a sub-collection or list.
  • Adding new fields and values to specific documents in a collection.
  • Adding new fields and values to specific documents in a sub-collection or list.
  • Updating existing fields and values in specific documents in a collection.
  • Updating existing fields and values in specific documents in a sub-collection or list.


  • Optionally, find specific documents by paths and conditions of a criteria.
  • Optionally, filter specific documents by matching conditions to identifiers inside the documents.
  • Optionally, retrieve the value of another preexisting field using a symbolic identifier $$field
  • Optionally, execute internal helper methods using a identifier >>FUNC


  • Enable or disable verbose logging output of the transactions in your console.
  • Enable or disable database updates to test queries before transaction.
  • Configure specific worker-size concurrency per batch before writing to database.


  • Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone.
  • Install the required NPM module using npm install
  • Ensure that you have an instance of MongoDB running on your local machine using port 27017


  • Ensure that MongoDB is started and listening on your local machine.

  • Make sure to make a backup of your current database before testing as this WILL affect your current data dump. Run the following command inside of your terminal.

    • $ mongodump -d meteor --out /Users/<yourname>/Desktop


  • Enter the root directory of the repository on your local machine
  • Type node setup.js and enter.
    • This should create a new database in MongoDB named _mongo_utils.
    • This should create a new collection the database named _test_collection.
    • This should insert 100 documents in the collection, mimicking the contracts collection.
    • This should print "Test database and collection successfully setup with 100 documents." when finished.
    • Open your favorite MongoDB Client and verify that the database, collection and documents exist.
  • Type npm run-script test and enter.
    • This should execute a test-suit and fail on first execution. This is due nature of MongoDB server side executions.
  • Type npm run-script test once again and enter.
    • This should successfully execute 1 test suit and 110 tests which should also pass.


  • Enter the root directory of the respository on your local machine
  • Open the file example.js with your desired editor.
  • Inspect the example code.
  • Type node example.js and enter.
    • Change the writeMode property from false to true to perform an actual database update.
    • Change the writeMode property back from true to false to generate a query-plan report.
    • Experiment with the two modes as needed.
  • Open your favorite MongoDB Client and verify that the updates were successful.

Operations (A query plan)

When writeMode is set to false a query plan report will be generated. Running this will not affect your database.

→ Database operations
A query plan has been successfully requested.

Operations (A bulk write)

When writeMode is set to true a bulkWrite execution will be performed. Running this will affect your database.

→ Database operations (final)
A bulk write has been successfully executed.

OK (details below)

Getting started

const mongoUtils = require('mongo-utils');

To use the utility you need to invoke it with a number of properties, passed as a parameter to a factory.

A factory expects a handler and params to send to it.

Available handlers

  • migrate
const mongoUtils = require('mongo-utils');

const migrate = mongoUtils({
  handler: 'migrate,
  params: {


Property declaration

  • <Object>.params.connection - An object containing required connection handles for MongoDB.

    params: {
      connection: {
        client: clientObject,
        database: databaseObject,
        collection: collectionObject
    • All connection members must be established and exist in full before passing it to params.
  • <Object>.params.cursor - An object containing find operation specific options for the cursor.

    params: {
      connection: {
        client: clientObject,
        database: databaseObject,
        collection: collectionObject
      cursor: {
        query: { 'addOnTemplateId' : { $neq : null }},
        limit: 1000,
        fields: ['addOnTemplateId', 'addOnInstanceId'],
        sort: { 'addOnTemplateId': -1 }
  • <Object>.params.path - Path of sub-collection or list inside of document to execute on.

    params: {
      connection: {
      cursor: {
        query: { 'addOnTemplateId' : { $neq : null }},
        limit: 1000,
        fields: ['addOnTemplateId', 'addOnInstanceId'],
        sort: { 'addOnTemplateId': -1 }
      path: ['addOns'],

    Execute update inside of addOns list.

  • <Object>.params.condition - Match expression to return the assigned search path by.

    params: {
      connection: {
      cursor: {
        query: { 'addOnTemplateId' : { $neq : null }},
        limit: 1000,
        fields: ['addOnTemplateId', 'addOnInstanceId'],
        sort: { 'addOnTemplateId': -1 }
      path: ['addOns'],
      condition: { $exists : true },

    Execute update inside of addOns only if they exist.

  • <Object>.params.filter - Match expression to filter the returned result by.

    params: {
      connection: {
      cursor: {
        query: { 'addOnTemplateId' : { $neq : null }},
        limit: 1000,
        fields: ['addOnTemplateId', 'addOnInstanceId'],
        sort: { 'addOnTemplateId': -1 }
      path: ['addOns'],
      condition: { $exists : true },
      filter: { id: { "$ne" : "XYZ"}}

    Execute update inside of addOns only if they exist and id does not equal XYZ

  • <Object> - Data object to create or update current document with.

    params: {
      connection: {
      cursor: {
        query: { 'addOnTemplateId' : { $neq : null }},
        limit: 1000,
        fields: ['addOnTemplateId', 'addOnInstanceId'],
        sort: { 'addOnTemplateId': -1 }
      path: ['addOns'],
      condition: { $exists : true },
      filter: { id: { "$ne" : "XYZ"}},
      data: { newKey: "new value" },

    Execute update inside of addOns only if they exist and id does not equal XYZ with a new key and a new value.

    • Call internal helper function as a value of a field with a >> prefix.

      data: { keyWithRandomValue: ">>RANDOM" } // Will generate a random V4 UUID.
    • Use the existing value of an existing field with a symbolic identifier $$ prefix.

      data: { newKeyWithCopiedValue: "$$existingKey" }
    • Data may be of any BSON enumerable type such as char,string, number, array, object. Arrays and Objects must be enclosed by quotes.

  • <Object>.params.options - Options object to control queue and database operations.

    params: {
      connection: {
      cursor: {
        query: { 'addOnTemplateId' : { $neq : null }},
        limit: 1000,
        fields: ['addOnTemplateId', 'addOnInstanceId'],
        sort: { 'addOnTemplateId': -1 }
      path: ['addOns'],
      condition: { $exists : true },
      filter: { id: { "$ne" : "XYZ"}},
      data: { newKey: "new value" },
      options: {
          verbose: true,
          writeMode: true,
          concurrency: 3,
          document: {
              upsert: true,
              multi: true,
              arrayFilters: [{ "": { $exists: true}}]
    • <Object>.verbose - Enable or disable verbose logging output, expects a boolean. REQUIRED
    • <Object>.writeMode - Enable or disable query plan (false) or database update (true), expects a boolean. REQUIRED
    • <Object>.concurrency - Select number of operations to process per batch against the database. Expects a number.
    • <Object>.document - Add any MongoDB updateMany parameters such as arrayFilters here.

Example usage

Updating all documents in a collection with a new property

const mongoUtils = require('mongo-utils');

// connect (check your driver docs)
const client = MongoDB.client();
const database = client.db('some_db');
const collection = database.collection('some_collection');

const customMigration = mongoUtils({
  handle: 'migrate',
  params: {
    connection: {
    data: {
      newProp: 'new value'
    options: {
      verbose: true,
      writeMode: true

const result = await customMigration();

Updating all documents in contracts, addOns list with two new properties

const mongoUtils = require('mongo-utils');

// connect (check your driver docs)
const client = MongoDB.client();
const database = client.db('meteor');
const collection = database.collection('contracts');

// update contracts.addOns
const addOnUpdate = mongoUtils({
  handle: 'migrate',
  params: {
    connection: {
    cursor: {
        query: { 'addOnTemplateId' : { $neq : null }},
        fields: ['addOnTemplateId', 'addOnInstanceId']
    path: ['addOns'],
    condition: { $exists: true },
    filter: {},
    data: {
      addOnTemplateId: '$$id',
      addOnInstanceId: '>>RANDOM'
    options: {
      verbose: true,
      writeMode: true,
      document: {
        upsert: true,
        multi: true,
        arrayFilter: [{ "" : { $exists: true } }]

const result = await addOnUpdate();


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