Disclaimer: These results are preliminary. They will need to be verified and validated. But the results are too exciting to be kept private and thus this repository was created to archive the results. Please contact hplin at seas.harvard.edu (Haipeng Lin) with any questions.
This repository contains logs of a massively parallel, thousand-core run of WRF-GC (WRF coupled with GEOS-Chem chemistry, http://wrf.geos-chem.org) on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.
We conducted a multi-thousand core run of WRF-GC using c5n.18xlarge
nodes on the AWS cloud, on a private HPC cluster created using aws-parallelcluster
. The system was configured with one Lustre file system using Amazon FSx. The capacity was 14 TB.
You can read about the software configuration in my blog post about setting up WRF-GC on AWS. In short: Intel C/Fortran compiler, Intel MPI with EFA by AWS, and standard serial netCDF, hdf5. We used a high-performance file system but not parallel I/O in this run.
We used WRF-GC release 1.0.1 (GEOS-Chem 12.2.1) for this test. It is the same as WRF-GC public release for the Part 1 paper submitted by Lin et al., to Geosci. Model Dev. with an added minor fix.
Configuration files for this scalability test are permanently archived in this repository. The results may be later published in a paper by the authors.
was configured in the following way (sensitive information removed).
aws_region_name = us-east-2
[cluster default]
key_name = ...
vpc_settings = hplintest1
master_instance_type = c5n.large
compute_instance_type = c5n.18xlarge
cluster_type = spot
initial_queue_size = 2
scheduler = slurm
placement_group = DYNAMIC
ebs_settings = hplinebs
base_os = centos7
enable_efa = compute
fsx_settings = fs
[fsx fs]
shared_dir = /fsx
storage_capacity = 14400
[vpc hplintest1]
vpc_id = vpc-...
master_subnet_id = subnet-...
[ebs hplinebs]
shared_dir = shared
volume_type = st1
volume_size = 500