lita-github-web-hooks integrates GitHub Web Hooks with Lita. It allows Lita to announce various GitHub activity in the chat.
Add lita-github-web-hooks to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-github-web-hooks"
(Array<String>) - An array of string room IDs. Events received from GitHub will be announced in every room defined by this attribute.user_ids
(Array<String>) - An array of string user IDs. Events received from GitHub will be sent to every user defined by this attribute.
Here is an example of what a configuration for Lita running on HipChat might look like.
Lita.configure do |config|
config.handlers.github_web_hooks.room_ids = ["12345_myroom"]
config.handlers.github_web_hooks.user_ids = [""]
IMPORTANT: Only the ping, push, and watch hooks are implemented so far. The rest of the hooks will be coming when GitHub documents their payloads.
- Specify which rooms and users you want GitHub activity announced to via the configuration attributes.
- Use GitHub's API or a repository's settings page to create a new hook for the events you're interested in. Set the "Payoad URL" to, where is the hostname where your Lita instance is running.