This is an example of a serverless puppet manifest more details at
This manifest can be used to install the packages you require to bring a AWS base AMI up to your specs. Then save the AMI and reuse.
steps to run:
- get some base AMI from aws marketplace. I chose a base ubuntu server Ubuntu 13.04 raring
- login to this new server: ssh -i ~/.ssh/.pem ubuntu@
- install puppet e.g. sudo apt-get install puppet-common
- copy this folder over: scp -r -i ~/.ssh/.pem infra/ ubuntu@:/tmp
- sudo puppet apply --modulepath=/tmp/infra/puppet/modules --verbose infra/puppet/manifests/site.pp
NOTE: Before you can use this, be sure to replace all values in CAPS accordingly e.g.
YOUR_DOMAIN.crt YOUR_DOMAIN.key server_name;
This puppet manifest will install:
make gcc fuse (for s3fs) nginx (with spdy support) git wget python g++ nodejs postfix openssl rsync s3fs monit redis virtualenv
This gives you a good sample and starting point. Use this manifest, update/tweak it and automate your deployment !
Have fun...