is a static analysis tool which checks whether sql.Rows.Err
is correctly checked.
You can get rowserrcheck
by go get
$ go get -u
validates whether *database/sql.Rows of sql query calls method rows.Err()
such as below code.
rows, _ := db.Query("select id from tb") // Wrong case
if err != nil {
// handle error
for rows.Next(){
// handle rows
This code is wrong. You must check rows.Err when finished scan rows.
rows, _ := db.Query("select id from tb") // Wrong case
for rows.Next(){
// handle rows
if rows.Err()!=nil{
// handle err
In the GoDoc of sql.Rows this rule is clearly described.
If you forget this sentence, and unluckly an invaliad connection
error happend when fetch
data from database, rows.Next
will return false, and you will get an incomplete data, and
even it seems everything is ok. This will cause serious accident.
Thanks for timakin.