A Scrapely clone (machine learning HTML web scraping from examples and basic machine learning) using BeautifulSoup
from garlopy import GarlopyScraper
import unittest
class TestGarlopy(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.seq = range(10)
self.s = GarlopyScraper()
def _test_scraper(self,html1,data1,html2,data2):
s = self.s
s.train_html(html1, data1)
result = s.scrape_html(html2)
#print result
data2_scraped = result # result[0]
print data2
print data2_scraped
print '+'*80
#print Counter(data2_scraped['name'])
if 'name' in data2_scraped:
data2_scraped['name'] = [e.strip() for e in data2_scraped['name'] ]
if 'venue_name' in data2_scraped:
data2_scraped['venue_name'] = data2_scraped['venue_name']!=None and [e.strip() for e in data2_scraped['venue_name'] ] or None
if 'date' in data2_scraped:
data2_scraped['date'] = [e.strip() for e in data2_scraped['date'] ]
print '*'*80
print data2
print '-'*80
print data2_scraped
print '*'*80
self.assertEqual(data2, data2_scraped)
def test_basic(self):
# make sure the shuffled sequence does not lose any elements
html1 = '''
html2 = '''
data1 = {'name':'Hector'}
data2 = {'name':['Jorge']}
self._test_scraper(html1, data1, html2, data2)