Random Number Generators Based on the Aperiodic Infinite Words
Release 0.01
This is a set of programs used for the article:
Infinite Words with Well Distributed Occurrences
tree.c/tree.h => Library to traverse an infinite word based on the mapping like 0->01, 1->0 aprng.c/aprng.h => Functions create_Fibonacci create_Fibonacci_with2 create_Tribonacci create_AR to create infinite aperiodic words. Main library. CombGenAPRNG.[ch] => Library to implement aperiodic number generator based on the infinite words as defined in aprng.c and on the RNGs as defined in TestU01 http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~simardr/testu01/tu01.html very flexible thanks to a huge range of RNGs defined in TestU01 Fibonacci_LCG_mix.c Fibonacci2_LCG_1.c Tribonacci_LCG_mix.c AR1_4.c AR2_4.c => Programs to produce an infinite stream of random numbers based on the aperiodic infinite words and LCGs. Main purpose is to test the properties of APRNGs. Some versions still relies on TestU01 the newer one implements LCGs on it's now in order =>remove dependencies on the external programs/libraries =>greater performance
Requirements: TestU01 http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~simardr/testu01/tu01.html (only when GSL library http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ (only for the test programs) PractRand http://pracrand.sourceforge.net/PractRand.txt (only to test the properties of the produced numbers)
See the header of each C file for the instruction how to compile it and use it.
- Make a standalone library with Autotools
- Implement high quality APRNGs based on WELL generators, RanLux generators and MIXMAX generators