The source code for the paper "Conditional Generation of Temporally-ordered Event Sequences".
- torch 1.6.0
- allennlp 1.1.0
- transformers 3.0.2
- rouge-score
- graphviz
- lemminflect
- pandas
In this work, we specifically collect our training data from the EventsNarratives corpus, and evaluate our models in a zero-shot manner on CaTeRS and MCTaco dataset.
The preprocessed training data can be downloaded from here, where the 100K version is used for our best models.
The preprocessed evaluation data can be found here: CaTeRS, MCTaco
To train the TemporalBART models described in the paper, first change the data paths (train_data_path, validation_data_path, test_data_path
) in the config file to where you store the downloaded data, then run the following commands:
allennlp train ./configs/temporal_bart_config.json -s /PATH/TO/MODEL_CHKPT/ --include-package denoising_event_lm -f
allennlp train ./configs/temporal_bart_indexed_config.json -s /PATH/TO/MODEL_CHKPT/ --include-package denoising_event_lm -f
To evaluate the fine-tined models on temporal event ordering:
- CaTeRS:
allennlp evaluate /PATH/TO/MODEL_CHKPT_TARGZ caters_entity_chains_seqdata_scrambled2.pkl --cuda-device 0 --include-package denoising_event_lm -o '{"validation_dataset_reader": {"chain_len_min": 2, "event_del_prob": 0.0, "event_del_all_prob": 0.0, "allow_empty_events": false}}'
- MCTaco:
python3 denoising_event_lm/predictors/event_lm/ \
--archive-path /PATH/TO/MODEL_CHKPT_TARGZ \
--predictor demo_denoising_event_lm_mctaco_before_after_predictor \
--include-package denoising_event_lm \
--cuda-device 0 \
-o '{}' --input-path mctaco_event_ordering_before_after.json --beams 1 --feed-unseen > output.txt
To evaluate the fine-tuned models on ordering unseen events:
python3 denoising_event_lm/predictors/event_lm/ \
--archive-path /PATH/TO/MODEL_CHKPT_TARGZ \
--predictor demo_denoising_event_lm_orderextra_predictor \
--include-package denoising_event_lm \
--cuda-device 0 \
-o '{}' --input-path caters_entity_chains_seqdata_scrambled2.pkl --beams 2 --chain_len_min 2 > output.txt
The final models used in our paper can be downloaded with the following links: