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Projects from FreeCodeCamp's curriculum

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Projects from FreeCodeCamp Curriculum

Projects from the FreeCodeCamp Curriculum.


Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design projects with HTML, CSS, SCSS, Sass and Bootstrap.

Project Description Technologies Source Live
Tribute Page A simple tribute page HTML, Bootstrap View View
Survey Form A simple page with a form HTML, CSS View View
Product Landing Page A product landing page HTML, CSS, Flexbox View View
Technical Documentation A simple technical documentation page HTML, SCSS, Flexbox View View
Personal Portfolio A portfolio page showcasing these projects HTML, Sass, Grid View View

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure projects, with vanilla JS.

Project Description Technologies Source
Palindrome Checker Checks if word is a palindrome JavaScript View
Roman Numeral Converter Converts decimal to roman numeral JavaScript View
Caesars Cipher Decipher string based on ROT13 cipher Cipher JavaScript View
Telephone Validator Validates string using Regular Expression JavaScript View
Cash Register Calculate currency units to give as the change in a cash transaction JavaScript View

Front-End Libraries Development

Front-End Libraries Development with libraries like jQuery and React.

Project Description Technologies Source Live
Random Quote Machine* Generate a random quote from an API jQuery / React jQuery, React jQuery, React
Markdown Previewer Render HTML from markdown markup React View View
Drum Machine Play a sound by clicking an element or pressing a key React View View
Calculator A simple calculator React View View
25 + 5 Clock A countdown timer with option to set intervals React View View

* Two projects with the same idea, but different libraries.

Data Visualization

Data Visualization projects - charts, maps and diagrams - with D3.js.

Project Description Technologies Source Live
Bar Chart United States Gross Domestic Product Chart D3.js View View
Scatterplot Graph Doping in Professional Bicycle Racing Graph D3.js View View
Heat Map Global Land-Surface Temperature Map D3.js View View
Choropleth Map United States Educational Attainment Map D3.js View View
Treemap Diagram Video Game Sales Diagram D3.js View View

Back-End Development and APIs

Back-End Development and APIs projects with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Mongoose.

Project Description Technologies Source
Timestamp Microservice API to handle date and timestamp Node.js, Express.js View
Request Header Parser Microservice API to parse request headers Node.js, Express.js View
URL Shortener Microservice API to shorten URLs Node.js, Express.js View
Exercise Tracker Microservice API to handle users register and their exercises Node.js, Express.js View
File Metadata Microservice API to handle file metadata from upload Node.js, Express.js View

Code Interview Prep

Coding challenges that test the knowledge of algorithms, data structures, and mathematics.

Take Home Projects

Take-home Projects you can use to practice development, or add to a portfolio.

Project Description Technologies Source Live
Local Weather Shows local weather from IP geo-location jQuery View View
Wikipedia Viewer Searches Wikipedia article jQuery View View
Twitch Checker Show information about Twitch streamers jQuery View View
Recipe Box Manage a recipe list React, React Router View View
freeCodeCamp Forum Homepage Fetches the latest posts and user data React, Styled Components View View
Image Search Abstraction Layer Get results from Google Custom Search API Node.js, Express.js, Axios, PouchDB View -