The catalog application of the "International Charter Space and Major Disasters" -
The metadata files imported within the catalog should be aligned with the following convention :
1. The metadata file sould be a zip file called [CALLID]_[FORMAT]_XXXXX.ZIP where :
- CALLID shall be the CALLID wich your product will be linked to
- FORMAT : is the metadata format that is describe within the ZIP file
DIMAP (SPOT format used by CNES, DMC)
F2 (Formosat2)
K2 (Kompsat-2)(same as OPT)
RS1 (Radarsat1)
RS2 (Radarsat2)
SAR (HMA SAR used by DLR, ESA)
PHR (Pléiades image used by CNES)
- XXXX can be anything you want (usefull if you have more that one product linked to the same CALLID)
NOTE : the callid must be on three digit (e.g. 53 must be written 053)
For example if you want to link a DIMAP product to CALLID 53, then a valid zip file will be called 053_DIMAP_01.ZIP
2. The zip file should contain at least
- a metadata file (format depends on Agencies)
- (optional) a thumbnail image (small preview of the product image - typically a 125x125 pixels image) usually called ICON.JPG
- (optional) a quicklook image (bigger preview of the product image - typically a 500x500 pixels image) usually called PREVIEW.JPG
NOTE on files :
- JAXA don't have PREVIEW.JPG and ICON.JPG
- CBERS have "quicklook.jpg" instead of PREVIEW.JPG and don't have ICON.JPG
- CBERS zipped files are within a directory (not zipped directly at the root)
- EOP metadata file can be in uppercase or lowercase
- IRS have variable metadata and jpeg filenames (can be .jpeg or .jpg)
This document supposes that the current sources are located within the $CHARTERNG_HOME directory and that the web application build from the sources will be installed in $CHARTERNG_TARGET directory
A linux server with at least 20 Go of hardrive free space and the following applications running :
- PHP (v5.3.6+) both in command line and in Apache
- PHP Curl (v7.21.3+)
- Apache (v2.2.17+) with PHP support
- PostgreSQL (v8.4+)
- PostGIS (v1.5.1+)
- mapserver (v6+) (optional)
- GDAL (1.8+)
- pure-ftpd compiled with uploadscript
Install database
cd $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/installation ./ -d path_to_postgis_directory -u database_user_name -p database_user_passwd
Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/config.php to set global variables values
Populate disasters table from ESA feed
$CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterngInsertDisasters.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage
Populate acquisitions table from zips archives
It is assumed that CHARTERNG_ARCHIVES directory contains all metadata zips. These zips follow the naming convention described previously.
$CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterIngestAll.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage ALL ALL
Populate aois table from aois shapefile
First delete aois table content :
psql -U postgres -d charterng << EOF DELETE FROM aois; EOF
Insert aois from shapefile (you must get a shapefile of AOIs otherwise skip steps 5. and 6.)
shp2pgsql -s 4326 -W LATIN1 -a -g the_geom $CHARTERNG_HOME/aois/Charter_activations_aois.shp aois > dump.txt psql -U postgres -d charterng -h localhost -f dump.txt /bin/rm dump.txt
Create AOIs mapfile under $CHARTERNG_HOME/mapserver
$CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterngCreateMapfile.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage $CHARTERNG_HOME/mapserver
Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/src/ws/config.php to set global variables values
Launch complete
Add the following rule to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file
Alias /charterng/ "/$CHARTERNG_TARGET/"
<Directory "/$CHARTERNG_TARGET/">
Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Note 1 : depending on the OS (linux, mac, etc.) the apache configuration file can have a different name. The example is valid for Ubuntu server
Note 2 : $CHARTERNG_TARGET should be replaced by the its value (i.e. if $CHARTERNG_TARGET=/var/www/charterng, then put /var/www/charterng in the apache configuration file)
Relaunch Apache
sudo apachectl restart
This step can be skipped if you don't want to set an ftp server. The ftp server is used by agencies to upload metadata file.
We suppose that pure-ftpd is correctly installed and PURE_VIRTUAL_ROOT is the ftp home directory root for virtual users
Login as "root" user
Stop pure-ftpd
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd stop
Tell pure-ftpd to use uploadscript
echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/CallUploadScript
Edit /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common (or /etc/default/pure-ftpd depending on your OS configuration)
Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/users.txt file with your users
Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/
Create ftpgroup and ftpuser
groupadd ftpgroup useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
Create virtual users
pure-pw useradd user1 -u ftpuser -g ftpgroup -d /ftphomedir/user1 -N 100 pure-pw useradd user2 -u ftpuser -g ftpgroup -d /ftphomedir/user2 -N 100
Remove quotas !!
pure-pw usermod user -N '' pure-pw usermod user -n ''
Rebuild password database
pure-pw mkdb
This step can be skipped if you don't want to automatically update disasters description from ESA feed.
Edit the cron jobs
crontab -e
add the following line ($CHARTERNG_HOME should be replaced by the right path)
# Note that this script will be executed every day at 01:00 AM 00 1 * * * /usr/bin/php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterngInsertDisasters.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage
Restart cron
service cron restart (or /etc/init.d/cron restart)
How to test the application
Go to http://localhost/charterng/
How to manually ingest a new $ZIP product
$CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterIngestAcquisition $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage $ZIP AUTO
Check location of disasters against AOIs footprints
The following command detects which disasters location are NOT inside the footprint of the corresponding AOIs. This is a usefull test to validate AOIs file. 1. Enter database prompt psql -U postgres -d charterng 2. Check which disasters location are NOT inside AOIs footprint SELECT callid, gid FROM disasters, aois WHERE disasters.callid = ''|| aois.call_id_1 AND NOT ST_Contains(aois.the_geom, disasters.location) ORDER BY callid; 3. Quit database prompt \q
How to set hstore keywords
CREATE EXTENSION hstore; ALTER TABLE acquisitions ADD COLUMN keywords hstore; UPDATE acquisitions SET keywords = ('"disaster:' || (SELECT distinct lower(type) FROM disasters WHERE disasters.callid = acquisitions.callid) || '" => NULL')::hstore;
How to insert a new disaster from webservice
NOTE : $CHARTERNG_HOME/src/ws/admin/insertCall.php service is NOT INSTALLED during installation process to avoid security issues - it is an unprotected service that should not be exposed to internet users curl -X POST -F "file[]=@$CHARTERNG_HOME/examples/example-polygons.xml" http://localhost/devel/mapshup-charterng/src/ws/admin/insertCall.php
How to remove a disaster from webservice
NOTE : $CHARTERNG_HOME/src/ws/admin/deleteCall.php service is NOT INSTALLED during installation process to avoid security issues - it is an unprotected service that should not be exposed to internet users curl -X GET http://localhost/devel/mapshup-charterng/src/ws/admin/deleteCall.php?callid=322