A command line application for training a new image classifier built with PyTorch and NumPy.
Trains a classifier on a dataset of images using a pretrained network and saves the model to a checkpoint.
- The training loss, validation loss, and validation accuracy are printed out as a network trains.
- Allows users to choose from four different architectures available from
. - Allows users to set hyperparameters for learning rate, number of hidden units, and training epochs.
- Allows users to choose training the model on a GPU.
To train a model, run train.py
with the desired model architecture and the path to the image dataset. For example:
python train.py --arch densenet161 --gpu -e 5 -lr 0.01 -b 128 -hl '800,400,200' ./flowers
usage: train.py [-h] [--arch {vgg16,vgg19,densenet121,densenet161}] [--gpu]
[-e EPOCHS] [-b BATCH] [-lr LR] [-hl HIDDEN_LAYERS]
positional arguments:
DIR path to dataset
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--arch {vgg16,vgg19,densenet121,densenet161}
choose model architecture:
vgg16 | vgg19 | densenet121 | densenet161
(default: densenet121)
--gpu train model on gpu
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
number of total epochs to run (default: 2)
-b BATCH, --batch-size BATCH
mini-batch size (default: 64)
-lr LR, --learning-rate LR
learning rate (default: 0.001)
-hl HIDDEN_LAYERS, --hidden-layers HIDDEN_LAYERS
define custom hidden layers (use comma separated
default layers: {
'densenet121': '500',
'densenet161': '1000, 500',
'vgg16': '4096, 4096, 1000',
'vgg19': '4096, 4096, 1000'
Loads a saved pytorch model checkpoint and an image and prints the most likely image class and it's associated probability. If provided, uses a category to name json file to map categories to names and print the names as well.
- Allows users to print out the top K classes along with associated probabilities.
- Allows users to use the GPU to calculate the predictions.
- Allows users to load a JSON file that maps the class values to other category names.
To calculate a prediction, run predict.py
with the paths to the checkpoint, the image and category to name json file if available. For example:
python predict.py --gpu -k 3 -ctn cat_to_name.json 20180513_densenet121_0.93acc_chkpt.pth ./flowers/test/85/image_04805.jpg
usage: predict.py [-h] [--gpu] [-k TOPK] [-ctn CAT_TO_NAME]
positional arguments:
CHKPT_PATH path to chekpoint
IMG_PATH path to image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--gpu use gpu for the prediction
-k TOPK, --topk TOPK number of top K classes to print (default: 1)
-ctn CAT_TO_NAME, --cat_to_name CAT_TO_NAME
The path to an alternative JSON file that maps the
class values to category names (default:None)